Testing My Photo!

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2002
Hi Everyone!
I thought I would try to put in my photo. With a little trial and error I was able to do it (I hope). Thanks to everyone out there who volunteered to help me. Between my sister and I, we were able to figure it out. It's so easy now that I know how it is done. I don't know why I thought it would be difficult.

Take Care Everyone!
Hi Creed,

Lovely to see you..you are indeed a cutie! My photo is an old one..hope to update it someday but don't want to scare anyone..LOL! I enjoy connecting a face with postings....really cute!

Zipper *~*
It is nice to "see" you! u b a qt pi!
Hey Gringo, she is cute huh? You know what they say in Viriginia don't ya? Watch out, someone very big will come and stomp you. :D

Great to see a face to put with the name. It's much more personal I think. Now, if we can get Jennie to post hers......... hint.