Testing... 1,2,3... testing!!!

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Testing... that's all I ever do!! Go here and get this test... go there and get that test... ooops... go over there and get another two tests!!! lol

Had a mammo on Monday.... got the results today and they are NORMAL!!! WHEW!!!

Wednesday was off to the oncologist for 10:45 a.m. appt.... get there and the tech says, "Oh he wants a PCR...do you know what a PCR is?" Not a very good start to the day huh? One-half hour later, after she has called like three places while I'm sitting there, she finally goes and asks the doc what the heck he wants (I knew, but geez... it is hard enough for me to understand.. let alone explain it to anyone!). So I cool my heels for a while more while she makes even more phone calls! Finally she figures out that she cannot take the samples.. that I need to go over to the hospital for that. But... she doesn't know when. Meanwhile Onco is waiting for me... lol. (Ain't it sweet to have a doc wait on YOU????) So she takes blood at last for routine blood count and off I go to see onco. Well... blood tests were fine, but upon examination when he pressed on my spleen and liver both were tender! So... off to the lab we both go. Tech says that I will have to wait in town (1-1/2 hours from my home) until 4 p.m. to have the other blood draw. Onco says to call them back and tell them to draw blood for an ALT test on my liver too. Okay... I got blood.... lots of it, right? Turns out that the blood for the ALT is a vial... they had already taken a vial for the routing WBC and the PCR test requires FOUR MORE VIALS!!! YIKES!!! To make matters worse, when the tech at the hospital was drawing blood, we were chatting. I mentioned the mastectomy... she asks which side it was on... I tell her left... she's drawing blood out of the left arm! DOH!!!! She said that since they took lymph nodes too that there is a possibility that I could develop circulation problems if blood is drawn from left arm. DOUBLE YIKES!!! Came home... did my regular Wed. chat on another site and then crashed!!!! I was soooooo tired.

One thing though.... all of this blood loss makes it extremely difficult to comb my hair in the morning when I can't see my reflection anymore! hee hee

Take care,