Terrorism in DC?

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duct tape and survival

duct tape and survival

With respect to survival and for the record, the air in a sealed 10 ft square room will support one person for 5 hours.


Ok so we duct tape out windows and stay inside for 3 days. What is happening outside? Does this "stuff" stick around? Does it dissipate in the air? What about out animals? Will the "stuff" stick to the trees, grass, ground etc.? How will it be delivered? Do we not have protection of our airspace? Will they hijack another plane? So many questions! We are leaving on a Carribean cruise next week and I'm just a little nervous. One more question! When did this turn into a religious war? Did I miss something? Somewhere along the line did we say they couldn't practice their religion? I admit I'm just clueless about this. The more I read, the more confused I get. Is it about terrorism, oil or religion? All of the above? I'm beginning to feel like my Dad. He said he has lived too long, fought in WWII and doesn't want to go through any of it again with war on our doorstep.
Jean - Bin Laden's war is supposedly religious - but most Muslims don't follow his particular views. His main point, I think, is just to kill Americans and Israelis. Read once that he has hated America since he was a child, so I think he's just got a personal vendetta against us for some unknown reason. I am all for everybody practicing religion of their choise - just not this way. We all know God didn't mean for us to go around blowing one another up. The oil question is being asked all around the globe - and you just have to listen and decide that one for yourself. I just know I paid $1.70/gal Monday for gas for the car and others are up to $2.00 and rising.

As for the 3 days they speak of, most of us are just as confused as you are. And I would like answers to every question you asked, but there aren't any. If so, nobody's telling us.
Ann-I thought of that too. if you pick one room, and it isn't the bathroom, then what? A can I suppose.

Now, Hugo, what you said scares me even more. Maybe they are trying to get us all to suffocate. Why else would they tell us to seal us in a room for three days, when the air suppy would only be good for five hours?

Jean, you are right, the Feds are just trying to cover their butts, in case something does happen.

Gina- What good will generators do us if we're told not to make any noise ? Aren't they noisey? I remember my Dad had one in the early sixties and when our electricity did go due to a storm he would use it. it was so loud! I remember my older sisters and parents talking about the blackouts and how you couldn't have any lights on. I sure hope none of this comes to pass. It is scarey and creepy.
All - My wife went out and bought $60 worth of duct tape, water and other supplies. She has our escape route planned and is keeping a packed suitcase in her van. Should I be making fun of her? I guess this is why the call it terrorism.
The big scare

The big scare

Everyone slow down and take a big breath. We should all remember that the probabilities that any of us (except for the poor souls in DC - where any fool knows the best way to win is to leave congress alone - the Senate will fillabuster the idea to death) will face any problem is very small. Moderate ideas like batteries, radio, first aid kit, car nearly full of gas, etc. are good for any emergency. But, don't panic. Slow down and plan moderate response to reasonable probabilities.
Today's USA Today (pg 3A) has a good article on what to do if - if you remember most won't have to. Also good web site: www.fema.gov/areyouready is a good place to read.
BUT DON'T PANIC, relax and sleep well. A whole bunch of well trained people will be there to help and give many directions if you get involved.
Dirty Air

Dirty Air

Is what they are calling it...Fox was just discussing this with 4 men on T.V...One was the Chief of Police in San Fran..Hubby says if it happens..it will just be in the local area..Wonder how many miles it would drift. Bill, Is your wife going to keep the car full of gas..At the rate the prices are going up..no one will be able to buy it soon.:D We are 100 miles from Atlanta..the first largest city near us.I have always wondered about CNN being there. I think we need to get this thing out of our minds and just go about our normal living.....You tell me one person who has a child in school or a loved one in the hospital..who would run into a room without them..Valentine's Day is Friday. Let's just remember to tell ALL our family how much we love them.:) :) :) Bonnie
Another perspective

Another perspective

Mamscram - don't forget your history. Remember the crusades ? It was just a few days ago some of you guys were pelting us control freak types about worrying too much about the things we can't control etc, etc. If you have a dog, go get it, put it in your easy chair with you, scratch its ears until you both go to sleep. Take two aspirin and call me in the morning. Chris
Lorraine - in the south, they call that can a slop jar. Goes back to olde England when the maids had to empty the 'slops'. Was used here in the south during the night when there were outhouses and to cold or too dark to go out.

Don't think we are panicking - just discussing. But there are plenty of people in this country who really are panicking. My daughter, for one, and try as I might, cannot calm her fears. Of course, we are not going to be hurt here, even tho we are only a few miles from AFBase. I do think discussion of the subject will be of help to all of us since it's communication about a subject none of us know a single thing about. Much of this thread has been tongue in cheek but there might come a time.............
Heathrow Airport

Heathrow Airport

Many of us here in the UK were shocked too see the pressence of tanks and the armed forces at Heathrow, but evidently our Prime Minister thinks it is nessecary, but our government has not told us what the threat is ( maybe it would worry too many people )

But we still have many idiots here who are criticising our Prime Minister and this week they are staging a peace protest in London
I realise that we live in a country were everyone has the right to voice there opinions but these people need to remember how evil Saddam is and he must be stopped

The last thing people want is war but I feel we have no choice
all we can hope is that it will be over quickly and we get the results we want.

On March 2nd Bill and I fly to Florida via Atlanta and there is no way we are cancelling our trip

I hope I have not offended any one with my views

Not to be difficult, but to be "devils advocate" regarding Ram's post about christians and muslims.

The answer unfortunately is that yes christians have and in some cases probably still do practice "terrorism".

The CRUSADES were all about destroying in the name of God. Many wars and vengence are religiously motivated. As someone once said "more people have been killed in the name of God than any other reason" I don't know if that is true or not but it has a kernel of wisdom in it.

Christians have a terrorist bent and justify many actions in the same way the "fringe" muslims do. Many view others as "infidels" and non-believers and therefore do not grant them any quarter just because of that non belief.

Who gets burned at the stake? People who can not prove they are "believers" in the justified and correct way.

Who are the most vilified, "the godless. "

Unfortunately, our hands are not clean, when it comes to being either ethnocentric or zealous regarding our point of view.

"Death to the infidels" was the battle cry during the Great Crusades aimed at "freeing the holy land"

All this makes for strange "bed fellows" since we now see Turkey and the Turks as important allies even if we still don't trust them.

My father was in the Pacific during WWII and was a strong supporter of Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb(he felt he would have perished along with many thousands more in an invasion of mainland Japan) HE ALSO deliberated long about the likelyhood it would have happened had the population been "white" and CHRISTIAN rather than non-christian "infidels"
Hi Jan

Hi Jan

Good for you..have a great trip To Fla. Think of me when you are at the Atlanta Airport. I'm just a hop..skip and jump up from there.I would just like to give my view to..If our government would pay the firefighters, policeman (my son is one) more money....we could all sleep good at night....They all love their jobs..they are willing to live from paycheck to paycheck.Yet, our government keeps sending our money to France and Germany..And they won't stand behind us.:mad: :mad: :mad: Bonnie
Oh yes, plenty of people "panicing". Shelves at our local
Wal Mart, Target and K-Mart are depleated of plastic. Yep, they have won as far as I am concerned. Obviously there are a lot of folks who are "terrorized".

Like Ann stated, duck tape and plastic will not solve our issues. Wish I could put a more positive spin on things. I am just happy to be alive at this point and enjoying life even more so to it's fullest!
On a serious note without my tongue-in-cheek, we can all to go redcross.org and find out the real things we should do and have on hand at any time in any situation and the measures we should take to stay in touch with family members. God bless


Granbonny, don't worry about Atlanta. The terrorists watch CNN, so they probably won't want it damaged.

Hensylee, I thought the slop bucket was a canopy (can o'.... oh, never mind...)

Duct tape and plastic garbage bags make great slop buckets. Line the toilet (or other suitable container) with a garbage bag and do your stuff. When you are done, twist the top, tape it shut, and place in a safe corner until it is safe to dispose of...

Best advice I think is to not panic and get ready for what ever disasters occur in your area. Out here we have floods, fires, earthquakes. When we go to the mountains I have to prepare for getting stuck in the snow.

I can't quote the source, but my understanding that the 3 day suggested supplies is based on the military being able to mobilize in the event of a disaster. I try to keep a few extra days worth just in case....
Hey, Swill - I am a collector of handy helpful hints and I really like the one about the plastic liner for the toilet (or other container). Who woulda thought! No, really, I am not kidding - this is a good hint. Not a very much discussed subject, however, but I am going to remember it. Maybe even send it in to Tipical Mary Ellen. Wel, maybe not to Mary Ellen. Thanks
- Computer programmers are busy creating new idiot proof software.
- The universe is busy creating new idiots.
- The universe is winning...

I have to tell you Swill, I love this signature! :D

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