Teeth Removed Fri

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
Madison, Georgia Go Dawgs!!
Well, I had five teeth removed Fri. Most had no problem, just avoiding concern after OPS. So, now my jaw hurts and I will be calling the surgeon on Monday to meet about my surgery.

Yeah, I guess. Just wish not all at once. It's okay, I can attest that Vicadin works. Just wish the empty gums would quit oozing blood, that way I could leave the gauze out of my mouth. All in all though, better now than after. Thanks for the kind words.
This past spring, my husband had 5 molars taken out and 3 cavities filled.
It was not fun at all, but absolutely had to be done...he had let things lapse while trying to deal with my issues.
My recommendation is to be as quiet as possible, watch TV, the more you move around the more it will ooze.
24 hours makes a big difference!
OUCH, is the message here,hope your feeling better
I had all mine pulled out when my kids were born and
sucked all the calcium outta me,think i was 2o then
all out in chair and pretends (LOL) put in,at least wasn't
heart issues or coumadin to deal with then for me,But my
hubby pulled all his 6months ago on the chair and the bleeding
was unreal,he's not on any aspirin or coumadin cus always heard
you bleed more with blood thinners and with him found out thats
a myth he bleed alot and not on anything for anticoagulants
He had quite the time though and 5 teeth are enough too i
can imagine it's not fun for you.

Ooohhhh Eric I hope you had this done in hospital or under twilight sedation....I dont do well at the Dentists myself and also had five extracted in one go but I chose the hospital route as one was an impacted tooth...

I know exactly the ache/pain you are feeling., that awful empty pain from the holes where teeth used to live...keep up the painkillers mate.....

After a few weeks I was hanging out badly to eat food that you could chew or had a crunch to it...I s'pose it was about a month until my mouth was well enough for me to indulge that craving...

Good on you for being brave and getting this taken care of. I hope you are feeling better real soon.