Tanning with a Scar on your chect!

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Hi Nancy, I know this must be a stupid question, but, I remember the doctor saying to me in the hospital not to get my scar in the sun. Now that it's been 3 months, I wanted to go back to my tanning salon, I won't be seeing him for another 2 months. What do you think? and don't laugh either. Syl:confused: :confused:
Hi Sylvia-

That's true for any type of scar. You can get discoloration that doesn't go away, I think. Not sure if that's the only reason. Maybe he's also afraid you'll get a sun burn which could irritate the healing, and isn't good for your skin in general anyway.

Sounds as if you're doing fantastically-that's just great news. I bet they were happy to get you back to work.

Take care,
Tanning? No!

Tanning? No!

Sylvia, Stay away from that tanning salon. Also wear sunscreen and a hat with a large brim when you're out in that beautiful California sun.Too much sun has given me two basal cell cancers and one sqamous cell. At least I havn't developed melanoma to date.
Hi Sylvia,

I've heard to keep your scar out of the sun for the first year. Which of course for me, is just after the time my year long membership to a tanning salon expires. I signed up for a year membership about a month prior to finding out I needed a AVR. DOH!
