Thanks for posting that, Yaps.....
Last night while we were at my sister's house after Gramps' memorial service, we were reminiscing and talking....and Mom recounted the following story....
A bit of background ... we got our dog, Fibber (silky hair terrior), while Gram and Gramps still had Fluffy (pug), which had been "Mother's" (Gram's Mom) dog.... Fibber and Fluffy got along very well, until New Year's Eve, 1984.....
That particular year, Gramps had had a stroke on Christmas Day, which landed him in the hospital for a while. So, on New Year's Eve, Mom picked up Gram...and brought her and Fluffy to our house. Gram was sitting in a chair with Fluffy on her lap, when Fibber, on prodding from Gram, put his paws up next to her ... and started sniffing. Fluffy didn't appreciate another dog invading her space/owner. Fluffy snarled and jumped down off Gram's lap so fast and chased Fibber out of the living room, through the kitchen, into the den. It was a sight...!
Even after Fluffy died, Fibber kept his distance from Gram. Though, in his later years, he did warm back up to Gram...and did start sitting on her lap once again.....
For whatever reason, as I went to bed last mind flashed back to "scenes" with Gram and Gramps...and, for whatever reason, I recalled the last weekend we had with Fibber....