taking son to cardiogist tomorrow

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My sons been having alot of problems with his asthma. Hes also been have lot of palpitations and arrhythmia and shortness of breath. So the allegist recommended I see a pediatric cardiogist just to rule out any underlying heart condition. Its been really hard on him since the end of August. He's 13.
I wish you and your son the best. My thoughts are with you both.
AVR '93 / '95
Good Luck with everything when you take your son to the cardiologist. I wish you and your son the very best. I know it's hard when you have to take your little ones to the cardio but it is the best thing. I had to do the same with mine.

Take Care!
Both my son and I have had surgery for valve problems, and I really hope your son has something that can be easily addressed. Do let us know what you find out from the cardiologist.

Once I learned that there may be a genetic predisposition to these congenital heart defects, I urged all my siblings and their children to get checked. So far, there have been no other heart problems in our family. This does help everyone get a little peace of mind though, and if there is a problem, far better to find it early!

Good luck, Nancy, and my thoughts will be with you and your family as you wait for your appointment.

Thanks everyone for your support.
Asthma seems to give some heart like syptoms. Shortness of breath palpilations etc. When thinking back I remembered a time he had the fast heart rate without the asthma. Better safe than sorry. The stress alone when having difficulty breathing can raise your heartrate.
Hi Nancy,

I am sure you will feel better getting your son's symptoms checked out by a specialist in that area. I know how we moms worry when it comes to our kids. My oldest is 23 years old and I still worry about her!

Let us know when his appointment is. I will be thinking about you and keeping your son in my prayers.
Everything looks good! They said his little heart looks perfect. He had an echo and a regurlar cardiogram. We came home with a holter monitor and have to return it there this afternoon.
He is actually feeling much better asthma wise this week. Last week he was given antibiotics. Because he had alot of phlem. So hopefully things are going to get better.
That's great news Nancy. Asthma is the pits, but at least you've ruled out any underlying heart problems. :)
Hi Nancy-

Sounds like good news about your son, although asthma can be a pain. I have it, and most of the time it's OK, but once in a while it does get out of hand, who knows why? Maybe my pets, but I'm not giving them up.:)
hi nancy!
i was so glad to see that your son's problem was not heart related. it can be so frightenenig when it's our kids, don't you find?
well, i 'mm really glad that the doc found nothing and that your son is fine (other than the asthma).
be well, sylvia
p.d. where in brooklyn do you live? our niece and nephew live there. i also used to go out with a guy whose family owns lester's, the clothing store _on ave. U?
Nancy, great news about your son! There is light at the end of the tunnel, isn't there?
I have to pick Jordan up from school early since he is wearing the holter monitor. He was complaining alot about it too. The lady that put it on wanted him to stay home from school She was worried that other kids would touch the tape recorder. We told him not to tell any kids what he is wearing. He missed too much school already. I think its better he is in the usual environment for the test. The nurse at the school thinks the snow might have helped him by getting rid of the pollen.

Sylvia -I live near Ave U right by Marne Park. My son goes to Marine Park Junior High. And my other son goes to James Madison High School.

Nancy - The doctor told me to put special covers on his mattress and pillows and wash all his bedding with hot water every week. I have 2 comforters so I can rotate them in case I don't get to washing one I have the other on hand. Also I've been trying to keep the cats out of his room. They don't really seem to bother him like they bother my sister in law. Some people get rid of the carpets in their homes that helps allergies as well.

Also it was such a relief to see all his valves are perfect.
Sounds good! What a relief, huh?

If you don't have one already, electrostatic precipitator air cleaners help a lot of people. There are whole-house models, and single room models. We have a whole-house Honeywell air cleaner, and it really makes a difference for the mild allergies I have. I'm not sure what evidence there is for these air cleaners helping with other breathing disorders, but I figure the fewer irritants and pollutants in the air, the better.

I am very happy for your family with this good news!

i agree. the less pollutants in the air is better for any respiratory patient. check out my profile on the website i have. i am an ecoquest dealer/nurse with whole house units also. not expensive filters to buy for future upkeep. email me privately on this issue if interested. don't like to talk business to the "whole world". there are options out there! hope this helps. to the health of all out there........:cool:
Some of those electrostatic air cleaners can produce ozone as a byproduct, which can irritate your lungs if you have lung problems. I know that Joe cannot use them. He called the American Lung Assoc.
Thanks again. I will have to look into all my options.

I'm hoping his asthma is going into hibernation. In the past he would get a cold then get an attack and within a couple of weeks he didn't need meds.

Next month I have my cardio checkup.