TakeStock's MV Repair was successful

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Thank you everyone. I arrived home today at 2pm, so I made it back home less than 80 hrs from the end of surgery.

I'm still dizzy and very very tired from the surgery and the medication. I'm amazed at how tired you can get just trying to look at at the TV near the ceiling. I would doze off constantly, I don't think I ever stayed awake more than one hour the whole time. I think it was the lingering general anethesia which was incredibly strong. I think I got a heavier dose or just reacted more strongly to it than others.

Outside of the sleepyness and the chest tube pains, it wasn't too bad. Most importantly, I got exactly what I wanted: an MV repair with no complications. The only thing I wasn't really expecting was the emotional difficulty I had, mainly because of the inability to stay awake. They put these things like blood pressure bands around my legs to squeeze my legs to prevent blood clots while I laid in bed. Those things made a ton of noise and ran nonstop. So I'd drift to sleep and be woken up every 2 minutes. When the chest pain got bad I started to get delirious and thought it was all over, it was all a dream. Then I realized, no, I'm stuck here in the hospital and I can't get back home. Very tough to deal with. I probably should have asked my wife to stick around more but I wanted her to be home with the kids. Let me tell you, no matter how strong you are emotionally, this experience can really test you. Make sure you have plenty of emotional support. However, without the noise from the CVICU area -- I was in the same room the whole time -- and the leg bands, I probably would have stayed asleep for longer stretches and not been as drained.

I'll write a full rundown of the experience when I have more energy. I feel like I could sleep for a week.
The lack of sleep bothered me too, Bill.:(
I didn't have a private room but did have a doozey of a roomate that kept me awake two nights before my husband insisted they move her to a different room.
I also had a terrible time sleeping once I got home. You might have another bad 7 to 10 days in this regard, but keep in mind that it will pass, and you will feel better.:)

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