T-shirts arrived

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Thanks so much Perry! You did a great job and the t-shirts look great. They arrived today. Now I can wear mine to my cardiologist appointment and then all the CABG patients will really look at me weird as they sit and discuss their no-fat, salt-free diets.
Hi Perry,

Received mine today. They look great! Thanks again for all of your dedication! We all really appreacite you.

Talk soon
Got my shirt :)

Got my shirt :)

Hi Perry:

My shirt arrived yesterday (26-Jul-2002). Thank you very much. I will wear it with pride.

Greg T

My shirts arrived yesterday and they look great. I have an appointment Monday for my INR. I'll proudly wear it. Thank You for all your time and effort!

We should all wear thenm the first time we get together in Lost Wages! Wouldn't that be too :cool: !

Thanks Again!
Hi Perry!

Hi Perry!

Perry, I have not yet received my shirt. I can't wait to wear it to my fitness center which I attend 3 or 4 times a week.
The shirts are beautiful!

The shirts are beautiful!

Hi Perry,

I received my shirts and sweatshirt Monday and wore one of the shirts yesterday when I was with another VR.com member. She liked the shirts too. Haven't gotten any comments from other people so far.
Hey, I saw that the postage was quite a bit more than what I paid you, so a check is on the way for the difference. Don't want you to end up short.
I appreciate all you've done! Thanks!

AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
TMC, Tucson. AZ
Dr. Gulshan Sethi
USPS delivers!

USPS delivers!

It's good to know the packages are arriving. I did take a hit on postage (price went up just as the job was about finished). I couldn't justify going back to the "well" to get more money from everyone as the process would have taken too much more time. Got killed on the out of USA shipments.

Not to worry, Hank and I have discussed and he knows his proceeds may be a little less than anticipated due to the expenses. My wife and I are covering most of it anyway. At least my vr.com "dues" will have been paid far in advance.

If anyone who ordered a shirt(s) does not receive their's soon, let me know. I'll trace it.
contact me at: [email protected]

Thanks again for your support and feedback.
You have a life time membership... dues paid in full!

You have a life time membership... dues paid in full!


I got my shirt too. I love it! It?s absolutely wonderful.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)

I recieved my swetashirt today and absolutely love it, I can't wait to "advertise" when I go in to get the wires removed. I will make sure to tell anyone and everyone I meet about this site. Thanks so much Perry, Now I won't be cold in the hospital with those pathetic things they call sheets, LOL. Thanks again for all the hard work, It's greatly appreciated!
Perry - got mine yesterday - will keep one and send the others to Chuck for bidding on eBay on his site. Will let you all know when it's up and how to go see it. Thanks for all your efforts - a VERY professional job.
thanks again, Perry, for the T-shirts. They came out great! I hope by wearing them that we can bring a lot more folks to this wonderful site.
Thanks, Perry! My shirts just arrived today, and they are perfect! I look forward to wearing mine tomorrow morning for a blood test, and perhaps camping next week.
I have Shirts!!

I have Shirts!!

My shirts arrived yesterday Perry! Thanks for the excellent job. I'll wear the XXXL to work tomorrow as I wait for the "recalled" XL's. It'll be HUGE, but I care not!!

Now we need to start working on VR.Com boxer shorts or something? Or maybe hats!
Hi Perry,

Received my sweatshirts and they look and feel great! Perfect for the morning walks on the beach before the fog has lifted.

Loved the photo with you in the middle of ALL the shirts..Looked a wee bit overwheming...grin. Thanks for your hard work..you did a GREAT job!!!!

Zipper *~*

PS..My Insurance never did ok my Pro-Time...claims it's not considered a 'medical necessity' under my policy.Hhmmmfff!!! I'm glad to have it and feel it IS necessary for closer monitoring. I hope yours gets approved. I didn't have to demonstrate it to my Doc..he was confident I knew how to use it after seeing the record I kept. These insurance companies are sure a source of annoyance!!!! Zip
Found my shirts this morning. The mail carrier hid them yesterday and I didn't see it until I went out for the paper this morning.

Great job.
Hi Everyone,

This seemed like something cute to share. I wore my T-Shirt to work toaday, being as it was casual day.

I was talking to this co-worker and she noticed the T-Shirt. She said "ValveReplacement.com?" I said Yes, its my support group. I had two valves replaced last year. The next words out of her mouth made me want to split a gut! She said "They have internet support groups to replace the valves on your car?" It took me 5 minutes to stop laughing and then I told her to read the rest of what the T-Shirt said. She didn't know me when I had had surgery so she really didn't understand what i meant when I said I had two vlaves replaced. I hadn't at that point, said I had surgery. She was so embarrassed when she realized I was talking about heart valves. Felt I should share! Too funny!
Got my T-shirt!

Got my T-shirt!

My VR.com shirt arrived in the mail today, August 2. Nice third anniversary present - August 4 will mark 3 years since my St. Jude ticker was installed - 70 more years to go!

Thanks Perry for all your work on this project. I'll be sending you additional funds since I was one of the out-of-country orders you took a postage hit on. :cool:
What a riot!

What a riot!

LORRAINE- that one has got to go down in the history books. I can almost hear you laughing without even being there.

BRAD- happy anniversary, dude! That WAS good timing. 3 years and still ticking and many more than 70!

EVERYONE ELSE- please send any additional funds directly to Hank. (Send him a private message or e-mail to get his address). The t-shirts were designed as a fund-raiser to help support our website. They have been paid for and my part is essentially finished. I have a little more paperwork to do including cutting a big check to Hank with the final proceeds.

I really appreciate that everyone is liking the product.


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