Sylvia Y

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hi ann!
she is booked on a flight today at 1:45. we had offered the alternative of staying there and getting a hotel room (where the hotel has a generator) with a few friends and just staying put. i think she is a little nervous and is opting to come home. i offered that she bring anyone she wants to home with her and they can all "camp out" here. her roommate is coming home with her as her folks are in italy.
i feel badly that these kids' work and continuity is being disrupted this way. i know they hate it.
personally, i am dying to see, hug and just have her here.
thanks for asking and caring... as always, you are so thoughtful.
I am very glad to hear this, Sylvia - this storm is a category 3, very compact and strong and your daughter does not need to be in unfamiliar terrirory during a storm of this sort. You have made a wise decision. This will probably be the last one of the season for that area (it usually happens this way when there's a spate of storms going in the same general direction). She, along with all the others, will make up whatever is lost as far as studies so not to worry on that score. I grew up in Miami and have been through many of these storms - my mother was born/raised in Key West, so I am able converse with some experience re storms, but they are every single one different - and unpredictable. Glad your daughter will be home safe with you. Ann
hi ann!
you are not going to believe this..... my daughter stayed in new orleans with her friends!
she was scheduled to fly home today at 1:45, but they refused to close the university, so she cancelled that reservation. at 2 pm, they posted that they were cancelling classes until friday as of 4 pm today. now no flights are available. so, she and 5 of her friends took a room at a nearby hotel that has a back up generator and a fridge in the room so they can take some food they have. this way they can eat, study, sleep and not have to go out at all! i hope she's safe_ God knows i'm a wreck!!! i can't believe the school waited this long even after it had become a category 4 hurricane!!! i'm sure we'll all get through this one though. thanks for your concern and i'll let you know how it goes.
hope you're staying dry. be well, sylvia
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She ought to be fine. I think the storm is a bit west of New Orleans, but they are really battening down their hatches over there. If you talk with her, tell her NO PARTYING and Hensylee means it! Good heads are very important at a time like this. They can get lots of studying done, get to REALLY know each other and make permanent bonds together and one day they can say "I was there for that one!" As long as people use their heads, stay in a safe and secure place, just wait it out, all goes well. It's those who run outside during the eye pass over or right after the storm is finished before official all clear is sounded that things happen. I know, as mom, you will be worried, but it won't help either of you. Go ahead, anyway - I would. Thoughts are with you.

Can't believe the school didn't close down - we knew yesterday it would likely be a category 3 - and here it is a 4!!! Go figure.
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Looks like New Orleans got lucky. I heard about 5:30 this a.m. that the eye of the storm was collapsing in on itself and losing steam, tho still strong enough to cause damage, but that it was going to make landfall about 135 mi west of New Orleans. Seems New Orleans is/has been getting feeder bands, which are parts of the storm slung off in pieces and when they arrive on land there's wind and rain for awhile - then calm til another one comes. Your daughter has had a real adventure and I am hopeful that she is well and safe. And that you and Joey are, too. Hope this won't change her plans about her university - there's a wealth of culture in New Orleans that will enrich her life outside of the education she will receive in college. There is no other place in the entire world that is like New Orleans. And there may not be another hurricane there for another 50 yrs. Best to all of you - Ann (Hensylee)
hi ann!
you are so wonderful and caring; i just want you to know how much i appreciate it/you.
rachel (our daughter), her roommate and 2 friends took a hotel room in a hotel that is often used as a shelter there.
she knew that i'd like that and made a point of telling me! spoke with her this morning and they ahd been camped out there all night and will be all day today as lili's "side effects" pass by. she said that it's supposed to be over by later today and she wants to check her dorm room for flooding (she's on the ground floor). if it's not great out, they'll stay another night and return tomorrow. she sounds good and safe and happy that they rode out the storm instead of flying out. i'm much more comfortable because she has been calling to let us know what the status of the storm is there.
i know she loves new orleans and i doubt that this would make her want to leave (she's a tough cookie).
thanks again for your support and comforting. it was so helpful to me.
be well, sylvia