Sylvia, Sugar

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Hey, Sylvia - your daughter being in Nawlins. We are getting news that the storm will hit there - at present it isn't too bad a storm, but now that it's back in the gulf, it will probably pick up wind speed while it's over warm waters but perhaps not much. Think the winds are sustained at 80 mph now and that's just barely a hurricane. I am sure there is help for the students at Tulane, or they couldn't stay in business. However, if your daughter has friends who are leaving the area, she might just want to go along, provided they leave soon and don't wait for weather to get too strong and the roads too crowded. One thing - tell her to not get crazy, obey all rules, do NOT go to a hurricane party, and afterwards, don't go out til she is told by OFFICIALS that it is safe. She should be ok as long as she stays inside and does what she's sposed to. Keep us informed. Know you didn't bargain for this when you took your baby to college, but, well, there it is - another worry. She will be fine and will have a new experience under her belt. Please don't worry (much).

We are getting outer bands of rain since about noon. I am north of Destin, which is a right good space east of New Orleans, so if it's rainy here, then the storm covers a wide area.
hi ann!
you are so caring and thoughtful! yes, tulane has a back up plan... they either bus you to mississippi or you can go to one of 4 dorms that seem to be "hurricane-proof", but not flood-proof!
they finally announced, yesterday at 2 pm, that they were closing the university. most kids were scrambling to get out and home. it seems there were no flights available to n.y.
i think what upset her most was that her boyfriend was planning a visit to her this weekend from georgetown!
so, instead of worrying about getting home to us, she went to him!!!! i think amidst all the chaos and anxiety she has proven to us that she is a very, very capable, self-sufficient, and independent smart youong lady.
she is amazing. i don't know that i would've been that equipped at her age (but, then again, kids today....)
she called us from every stop along the way and finally got there late last night.
thank God she got out though. now all i worry about (gotta find something to worry about) is that they have horrible flooding problems and her room is on the first floor! hopefully she put all her important (computer, etc) items high up or in a friend's room upstairs... oh well, gotta learn to give up this control...
i'm thrilled that she is fine, happy and safe and that she was in such full control at all times_ amazes me each time!
thaks again for your concern. you are so wonderful.
Thanks for letting me know - I was wondering about her. I don't know if things are going to be as bad as TV says (they usually aren't) and the biggest problems in New Orleans will be water - and most of the water seems to be east of the storm (means us). And we have been getting it yesterday, last night and right now it has more or less quit - but are getting a few breezes. All in all a pleasant rainy day - good for reading and napping. So don't worry - she's fine, I am sure (especially since she's not there and that was a good move on her part). God bless