Switching doctors

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karen wallin

HI everyone, I am having a bit of a dilemma today, I am really upset with my cardiologist. Last week he agreed to sign the forms and get me started on getting a protime machine, and today, he changed his mind and will not sign. I am going to try to find a doctor that will agree, the thing is I don't know how I should do this. Should I just call each doctor's office and ask if he or she is a believer in these machines and go from there? Has anyone ever changed doctors because of a difference in opinions? Any suggestions?

Hi Karen,

Hmmm... I guess "Irreconcilable Differences" wouldn't work for divorciing your doctors! Although it is a valid reason.

Did he provide you with his reason for changing his postion on this? Did you have Lance or someone else from QAS assist you and contact your doctor? Prior to this, where you satisfied with your doctor / patient interaction?

Just curious, but if you were not fully ocnfident in yuor cadiologist prior to this... this may be a blessing in disguise. Go find yourself a new doctor that you have confidence in.

Switching doctors

Hi Rob,

I do like my cardio, although he scared me at first. And he still makes me nervous whenever I have and appointment with him. But, I am grateful to him for getting me to where I am now, which is feeling great. He got me hooked up with a wonderful surgeon and a terriffic hospital or I might not be here today at all. But, he is very strict with his beliefs which don't make sense to me. He is telling me that because I am a young woman, I am not a good candidate for this device. To me that is a big reason for getting it! Plus the fact that my INR has not really been stable, and has gone too low a couple of times.

I was wondering if maybe Lance or someone there could get me a list of doctors in my area that prescribe the Protime to their patients. I live in Martin County, Florida.

Thanks for the quick reply,
Hi Karen,

Lance contacted my doctors directly, and provided all the paperwork required from the doctor to him for review.

He recently wrote a response on the Protime Thread about the services his company provides. You may want to find that and read it. You can click onto their Link when you first enter this site. Also, you could call him direct to talk with him. It is a free call. 1 800 298-4515

I agree with you, that as young active person, having a home monitoring device will help you stay more within your recommended range. I check mine every week, because I can with the home testing unit. The finger stick sure saves my arms and veins from getting scar tissue from all the needles.

Maybe you need to convince your doctor that you will test on a regular basis, according to his guidelines, and call in your results for them to adjust your medication. I did this at first with my doctor. He felt more at ease when I told him I would. Now, I only call him if my readings are out of range. I also provide him with a chart that I keep with all my test results on it. Providing this to him lets him know that I am checking my levels on a regular basis. LOL... AS if I wouldn't! I mean... I sure don't want to die from my medications being wrong.

Doctors are so strange when it comes to opinions, tehy almost never agree. But, My cadiologist likes me having the unit..and, my PCP also thought it was a great idea when I told him about it.

Well, good luck with this issue. Let me know if I can be of any help,

You also might print out some of the success stories and how convenient is for those in this site who have had their lives helped by owning one of these, and give them to your dr. Don't you just hate to have to deal with someone who has a closed mind. And it sounds like he does.
Hi Karen

We had similar circumstances.

I was seeing a hematologist for my INR regulation. He absolutely refused to write the RX. I pressed on until finally one day he said fine....but if something happens, I will not take any responsibility. Which I believe is false as once a doc writes a script.... they have taken on responsibility. Anyway, this guy was a great doctor and helped me in a lot of ways.....minus the help I really needed. I love to travel. Did not let it hold me back. But my trips were being interrupted by waiting in a hospital lab. Waiting again for results.

My cardiologist prescribed my unit a little over a year ago and I have been self regulating and medicating. He asked me just yesterday who was adjusting my Coumadin. I said.....gee you wrote the RX for me. He does not require me to come but every six months to check my machine against the lab. Luckily I have not had a major problems. I was also well educated in how to manage my INR prior to.

I would defiantly find another cardiologist if you are not happy. Check with QAS to see who is prescribing in your area.