Swine Flu Injection

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Got the swine flu shot yesterday. My 22 year old daughter, very athletic and healthy, got the "live virus" sprayed into her nose (please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought they said live virus) because they are saving the injections for those in the higher risk group. I told them my condition and they told me I was high risk so I got the shot. I am almost 56. (I sure don't feel high risk with this wonderful new valve!!). They did not tell her to come back for a second "dose". They told us both to be hyper conscious for the next 10-14 days about cleanliness so as not to catch the flu before the immunity kicks in.

That was at noon. At 2am last night I woke up with that, uh-oh, you're gonna peuk rush so I got up and headed toward the bathroom. But then I felt like I was really truly going to pass out (this in the total dark), major swooning, so I woke up my husband who steered me in to the toilet. I sat on the cold floor with a light on for about 20 minutes. Nothing. Then I went and got a soda cracker and a teeny bit of water and still abit swoony, went back to bed and slept til morning. Today I feel a little punk, but I'm eating and going about my day guardedly but fine.

Anyway, just adding my report to the mix here. I didn't even ask my cardio. My husband does all the reading and said you're getting one! and he went and waited in line with my daughter for 2 hours to get me a ticket for the shot (I had an appointment for a blood draw prior to next weeks physical so sweetheart that he is, he went and got me my ticket). She and I returned 2hours later and waited about 30 minutes in a very short and organized line to get our vaccines.

Ours is going through the county. You go to the county website and they tell you when there will be a clinic. You go and stand in line to get a ticket for an appointment time. Then leave and come back at your time and Voila! you're done. Pretty easy and not too dreadful (of course it was also a beautiful sunny, warm autumn day -- today not so much, rain is coming our way again)

I work in classrooms with young kids. Figured it was a good idea.

Good luck everyone.

Well, our town just had the 1st H1N1 flu death. She was a 27-year old woman with no chronic medical conditions. There have been 26 deaths related to the H1N1 flu in NM.

I called our local health dept & was told that they have ordered more vaccines & won't have them available for another 2 weeks.

Just keep washing my hands, sterilizing as much as possible.....now if I can just get my husband to be as cautious!! :rolleyes:
We got our regular flu shots the 10th of September. We both committed how little our arms got sore. We've been taking the flu shots seems like forever. And we've never had the flu.
Probably take the swine flu shot when available. Our cardiologist office is going to notify us when they get the swine flu vaccine.

Also had the pneumonia and shingles shots.

Returned from a 2 week cruise few weeks ago. Sure was a lot of coughing on the return flight from Ft Lauderdale but we never caught anything.

There was a local 6 year died from the swine flu.
Here in Ontario, they messed it up real good, they had clinics scheduled for high risk people at first but didn't really screen the people, so practically everybody could get the shot, but people like us that are considered high risk did not get it like me I'm one of them and guess what they ran out. That was really smart.
Hi, I had my flu shot last month and my h1n1 shot the other day. I think my INR was affected. It was 4.6 3 days after gettting the h1n1. I felt a little flushed warmness in the face that night and was fine the next day. For everyone who is saying they will wait until it becomes more spread, they are closing schools all over the US. The powers that be at the CDC have already called it an epidemic. I think it is necessary to get both as we are all in high risk category due to heart issues. Hubby got both shots too and he is not a cardiac patient, but chronic asthmatic.
As per my previous post upthread, I had my meeting with my GP on Thursday (I'm now 6 weeks post op). He gave me a regular flu shot on the spot and told me to come back next week for the H1N1 (he does not have H1N1 yet). I intend to do as I'm told.
I just had my A(H1N1) vaccination yesterday. I was able to have it with the people who have chronic diseases since I take a bit of medication related to the heart. My husband has to wait until December.

Last night I had a very low-grade fever, but I had that once with the seasonal flu vaccination.

Here in Canada (at least in Quebec) we have to wait until January to get the seasonal flu vaccination. They're already having trouble keeping up with this one!

One thing that is different in Canada than the States is that here in Canada they put an adjuvant in the solution they inject to make a small amount of vaccine work as if there were four times as much vaccine. I must admit that not knowing that much about the adjuvant, I do have some concern about that. However, I got it anyway. I don't want the flu!
I just had my A(H1N1) vaccination yesterday. I was able to have it with the people who have chronic diseases since I take a bit of medication related to the heart. My husband has to wait until December.

Last night I had a very low-grade fever, but I had that once with the seasonal flu vaccination.

Here in Canada (at least in Quebec) we have to wait until January to get the seasonal flu vaccination. They're already having trouble keeping up with this one!

One thing that is different in Canada than the States is that here in Canada they put an adjuvant in the solution they inject to make a small amount of vaccine work as if there were four times as much vaccine. I must admit that not knowing that much about the adjuvant, I do have some concern about that. However, I got it anyway. I don't want the flu!

Same this part of Canada to and had mine Tuesday w/o any effects
my gramdaughter well be ten Friday she only got half and gets other half
in another week,so lucky her she gets 2 shots outta the deal.
:rolleyes:She says she doesnt mind though,better than getting h1n1

Further im egged up now with pnuemonia shot in July and reg flu shot in Sept
now this h1n1 shot maybe after all these eggs hatch so to speak i should get
some sort of flu youd think:confused:
I was on the elevater with a gentleman at 11am wed at my mom and dads
place of residence and this very elderly gentleman from 4th floor was coughing
on the elevater,he just sounded and looked terrible,i asked if he was alright?
he got off elevator and by noon had passed away in his bathroom,the coroner
i heard suspects h1n1.....he was 8o yrs old

We need to protect ourselves and i feel i needed to have the h1n1 as well after my cardio stressed to me how safe it is to be effected by a needle but to be affected by the h1n1 virus is a killer,especially with added chronic illnesses
to this,and protection from the shot,i believe him and my daughter felt even with no chronic illness so far for her daughter age 10 her decision at the school was for shantal to get it as well
The rest of my family and parents are waiting for times they allow everyone in for it and my parents are offered it right in the tower they live in.

Good luck everyone in your decisions with the (shot)'s

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