surgery thursday 19th June

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hi all - scheduled to have aortic valve replaced in mater private in dublin on thursday morning by Dr John Hurley. Don't know much about reputation of either. Bit nervous but trying to be as positive as possible. I'm not looking forward to immediate post-op or prospect of taking warfarin for rest of life.
Only just found site and is comforting to read from all you that have been through the whole ordeal.
Welcome aboard. I assume your getting a mechanical valve? If so, go put your Coumadin fears at peace and learn all you can from
Coumadin is not the big bad monster that so many make it out to be. Just by your posting, I assume you've already heard a bunch of crap which is mostly not true.

Sorry you waited until today to join. We'll support you in any way we can, so ask away the questions inside of you. :)
Welcome to the site; glad you found it. I recall the relief I felt when I found this site also. I hope all goes well with your surgery and recovery. Take care and post again.
Welcome, I'm glad you found us and I added you to the surgery calendar. You will find plenty of wonderful information here as you await your surgery. Best wishes to you!
Thanks all. Yes Ross I am getting a mechanical valve. I was told a tissue valve was not a real option for me as I would probably need to get it replaced 7-15 years down the line. I have been told a lot of negatives about warfarin and that is probably my biggest hang up post-op - but from the site I am getting reassurance that it is not that big a deal. I also heard that an alternative may be available in the near future.

Although I have no syptoms yet my cardiologist wants me to get it done while I am fit and well - I could have waited but my wife is due to give birth to our first child mid september so I want to to get it over & have sternum healed up by then.
To be perfectly honest with you, the biggest draw back to Warfarin/Coumadin is the lack of medical professionals understanding of the drug. There are many many people that do not know how to manage Coumadin, yet they are the ones that we place our lives with. Have no fear, we'll get you straightened around should you find that you've found one of the incompetents for your care. Coumadin is a serious drug and you must have respect for it, but with proper training, there is no reason that you cannot self test and self dose later on. I'd say about 89% of what you hear about the drug is bogus. Don't let them tell you that you can't eat greens and such, it's hogwash. Our moto around here is Dose the diet a person eats, don't diet the dose your on.

Your Doc sounds like a cool dude. Most like to wait until damage is occuring before surgery. Yours wants to stay on top of the game and that's a plus.

May I ask how old you are?
Welcome. Happy you found us but sorry for the reason.

This is an amazing site with some hugely knowledgeable, caring/sharing people. Ask your questions. We all have so many pre surgery. There is almost always someone here who has the answer or knows where/how to get it.

Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your baby. You are wise to have your surgery now and be well into recovery when the baby is born.
Welcome to our wonderful community! You can ask us anything, here! We're a great bunch and answers fly from all directions. Be comfortable starting as many new threads on as many topics as you need.

I like your timing! You will want to experience your newborn to the fullest, and since the wee thing won't weigh much to start, your sternum will be able to handle the squirmy bundle by then!! :D:D

Quite honestly, this waiting time is the hardest part. Somehow, our bodies kind of kick into recovery mode as soon as we wake up from the surgery. The body is an amazing thing. Have faith in it to lead you to full recovery! If your doctor has performed several hundreds of these operations, and you haven't got much else going on in there, you can have faith in him, too!!

Keep a positive outlook. There are sometimes small hurdles....each has his own experience, but for the most part...this is far easier to manage after the cut has been made!!

Best wishes to you!


P.S. Oh!! and please offer this site to your wife, too! She has a lot on her plate...a baby in the making and concern over you and your surgery. We don't want that baby receiving any unneccesary stress while he or she is developing, so be sure to share all the positives with her so that she can be prepared to advocate for you without distress.
*Welcome to this site. I am sorry you are facing surgery on Thursday but..... I am soo excited to see a post from someone in Ireland.

I would LOVE to hear more about your story.....what road you have travelled up to this stage with you were diagnosed etc...what tests you have had and how long you have known you need surgery.
Welcome to the VR community. Sorry for the circumstances but glad you found us. I had a repair so didn't have to take coumadin beyond a couple of months. That said, if the repair wasn't possible, I was ready for that prospect as it was better than the alternative. As for the surgery itself, it wasn't nearly as bad as I had feared. Best wishes and good luck.
Welcome and good luck with your surgery and recovery. Be sure to pop in with any questions or concerns - the VR members are incredibly supportive and can do much for peace of mind both before and after surgery.
Just wanted to say good luck. I will have to take blood thinners, but my surgeon says it is no big deal. He told me I would not have to change my life style, that my dosage would be adjusted to me, not the other way around.
Thanks all. Yes Ross I am getting a mechanical valve. I was told a tissue valve was not a real option for me as I would probably need to get it replaced 7-15 years down the line. I have been told a lot of negatives about warfarin and that is probably my biggest hang up post-op - but from the site I am getting reassurance that it is not that big a deal. I also heard that an alternative may be available in the near future.

Although I have no syptoms yet my cardiologist wants me to get it done while I am fit and well - I could have waited but my wife is due to give birth to our first child mid september so I want to to get it over & have sternum healed up by then.

I'm personally leaning toward the mechanical too because of my age (a youthful 53) and the desire to forgo another trip to OHS. The warfarin info on the site Ross sent you was VERY helpful for me in making a valve decision.

Congrats on your baby!
Concern For Ross

Concern For Ross

I just noticed Ross's new avatar. Heart surgery really messed him up!:D If I come out looking like THAT after Dr. McCarthy opens me up, I'll consider malpractice!:D
Hi All thanks for all the support. Ross I was 38 last week -Eirecara - I only found out I had a condition about 2 years ago when my GP said I had a murmur in my heart and wanted to check it out. I had all the tests done in the Royal in Belfast and they told me I had a leaky bicuspid valve and that I had been born with it. Only told in november that I would need surgery. That came as a big shock as I have always led a full and active life and was still playing football and rugby and running 4-5 times a week. In January I was advised that they were listing me for surgery - 3 weeks ago as the Royal could not fit me in within 21 weeks of me being listed I was offered the option of going to the Mater or staying on the list - given all that is ahead of me I decided now is the time to get fixed and on with my life again. The short notice has been a bit of a blessing as I haven't had too much time to dwell on things as I have been very busy trying to tidy things at work before I go - I am a chartered accountant in a partnership - I finish up today and check in tomorrow.
Hello and Welcome to the greatest family ever!
Glad your on board,sorry for your circumstances
Wishing you all the best with surgery,look forward
to your over the mountain post back and prayers
and good thoughts going out to you
