It is not so important that you get the perfect job right away, but to get yourself out there. Network, Network, Network. To get yourself going you could volunteer someplace where you could put your skills to work. At the same time you build your resume. Lots of time, you meet people with connections to paying jobs and LORs.
Remember, employers like to hire people who will get along with other people and are upbeat- make sure you practice your interviewing skills on other people to convey a cheerful person and be patient.
Keep smiling and best of luck- you will do great!
It is not so important that you get the perfect job right away, but to get yourself out there. Network, Network, Network. To get yourself going you could volunteer someplace where you could put your skills to work. At the same time you build your resume. Lots of time, you meet people with connections to paying jobs and LORs.
Remember, employers like to hire people who will get along with other people and are upbeat- make sure you practice your interviewing skills on other people to convey a cheerful person and be patient.
Keep smiling and best of luck- you will do great!