surgery report

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Thanks to the people in here I finally called my surgeons office and requested the surgical report. The information was so interesting. I was on the byass machine for 208 minutes. What I did find more interesting was the fact that they had to shock my heart 10 times to get it to start again. They had however, given my heart allot of that medication they give to get it to stop. Anyone with that experience? martha
Hi Martha -

I never saw my surgery report, but was on the bypass machine for 270 min. That was because they tried to repair the Aortic valve, but couldn't. They finally put the homograft in (same as you), but it took a lot of time. Anyway, they had a difficult time reviving me. They used the large defibrillator. I know because I could see this large circular imprint on the side of my chest.
Wow, that is a long least it seems so to me. My entire surgery was only round 5 hrs. Although they did have to use an electric needle (?) to get my heart started. All they had to do with me was the homograft in the aorta though.
Sorry...brain 5 hrs. I mean from when I left my husband to go to the operating room until they came out and told him I was done and was doing well.