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Apr 29, 2014
Syracuse, NY
Well tomorrow is the big day 5:30 am so it looks like im first at bat. Just got done taking the shower clean sheets ready and I can't seem to calm down. All along I haven't been to nervous about the surgery but I have to admit I'm anxious.

I have to ask, am I the only one who still has some douts as to which valve is right? I no all 8lthe answers to my questions but I still struggle with the what if. My surgeon says I have until they wheel me into the room to make up my mind. I'm 42 and very active, love to ride, snowmobile, can't ski to save my life and I have two young boys that are active. I really don't care for multiple surgeries but at yhe same time I'm scared about head trauma and internal bleeding while on coumodin. I beleive my 1st choice will be mechanical and I know I have to own this decision and make it mine and never look back.
I am so glad that i found this site and thank you to everyone for their honest and helofull answers. I will post up my results when I can oh I'm having avr and ascending aorta replacement and repair. Well enough already, I think I just needed go hear my self talk god bless and take care.
You are not alone about valve choice. I could have flipped a coin right up to the end. I wanted mechanical. Went with my surgeon's recommendation (repair), then doubt crept in, but I thought by then it was too late to change my mind. The morning of surgery I just turned myself over to the team and relaxed. They are the pros. I expected to be nervous, but was surprised (and pleased) that I was not. He repaired my valve and right now I believe that was the right thing for me to do.

Hope you find a similar peace with your surgery and post when you feel like it.
Good luck on your surgery - hope you are already recovering! I go in for mine tomorrow (Thursday) and I'm having the same surgery - AVR and ascending aorta. Like you, I am also 42 and active with my son's stuff, as well as my own. I have decided on the mechanical valve, in spite of the need for blood thinners the rest of my life. For me, it is all about (hopefully) never needing another surgery. But it is a difficult, and personal choice, for us all I imagine.

Whatever you choose, be at peace with it. Best wishes and can't wait to hear from you again really soon!
I too wanted to avoid a replacement Aortic valve in 20 years or so being 49 now. I just didn't want the side effects of blood thinners let alone being tested all the time. I went with an organic valve and here is my thinking- the way technology is I figure in 20 years or so who knows what will be done to fix my valve I bet it will be something very simple. I actually had to take blood thinners for 4 weeks because I was having tachacardia and I thought it was a pain in the ass!!! And I love to cook so when I was cutting things I was worried about cutting myself. I was glad in Buffalo at Gates Vascular I had the best surgeon there is, he did a great job! Good luck - feel better quick!!!!
I've been going back and forth on what's the right choice and I'm sure there are plenty of others as well. If I definitely needed replacement I'd opt for mechanical but my choice is between that or having my valve repaired. Is there anyone on this thread who chose mechanical over repair in order to avoid future surgeries? I understand the idea of 20 years from now if another operation is needed technology will be a lot better but who knows?
All the best on your recovery Murph :) you will be in my thoughts and prayers
Hello everyone, as I sit here in my hospital room I wanted to update everyone. Well after discussing with my surgeon he highly recommended the mechanical valve. There was some issue with the original valve size and the aortic root. He is on vacation now( lucky guy ) but he did talk to me the next morning but where was i? Felt like Pluto gotta love those drugs.
I did have quite the bout with vomiting maybe it was the anastesia but all that has now past and I can eat a whole sandwich. I know know this was the best decision for me because I would NOT want to do this surgery unless i absolutely have too( I know mechz aren't 100%) well its a pill a day for this guy and about riding on the track that's just something i will have to decide for myself. Thank you everyone for the wel
l wishes and j expect to be more active on the board in the coming weeks with my results. Now just to do a bowl movement to get outa this place:) take care...
Congrats on your successful surgery. You are right that there are no 100% guarantees that your mech will last your lifetime.....but the odds are pretty good that it will. The "pill a day" is no big deal and in a very short time it will become routine.
Hello everyone, as I sit here in my hospital room I wanted to update everyone...
and j expect to be more active on the board in the coming weeks with my results. Now just to do a bowl movement to get outa this place:) take care...

great to hear you're doing well take the recovery carefully, don't over do it and remember that pushing it too hard may give what may seem like at small gain in the first few weeks but may set you back. Obey the lifting restrictions and keep that breathing happening (Spirimoter).

Best Wishes