Surgery One Year Ago

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Bill Hall

It was a year ago today that I flew to Cleveland for my surgery on the 12th. That makes Saturday my one year anniversary (was that good planning or what). Here is what I remember:

1 - The good looking nurses who gave me a break by letting me stand and sit in a chair for those three days in ICU.
2 - My pretty nice wife who took Jan off from work to care for me.
3 - My daughter delayed starting her first job to support us in Cleveland.
4 - Waiting for the nurses to come at 4 AM to record my weight. I was never asleep.
5 - Sending my daughter to the CCF library computer to post on and getting responses for me.
6 - Watching the heart monitors at the end of the hall to see who else was afib.
7 - Getting a flu shot before the surgery and getting the flu after the surgery (good plan/bad luck)

Here is what I don't remember:

1 - They had to dfib my heart (electric shock) to get it restarted. And I really don't care since I feel so good right now.
2 - My surgeon, since we never met.
3 - I don't remember any pain.
4 - I don't remember why there was no food for three days after surgery.
5 - I don't remember sleeping, even through the Bush inauguration.
Hi Bill

Congratulations on your anniversary.
It's a good feeling! Has your energy level returned to full capacity?

Recall waking one day around 11 months post op and just feeling great. It happened that fast, just overnight!

If you feel good most days....makes everything you have endured well worth it!

Wishing you many many more.
Hi Bill,

Wow!!! One year already. Congratulations! Hope your energy has come back full force. Mine has most days!
It sure feels good to be able to do everything again and not feel so exhausted all the time.
When Gordon and I met you last year March in Scottsdale, we could not tell you just had surgery two months before. You looked so good!

Many good wishes are coming your way. Give our regards to Barb.

AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St.Jude's Mechanical
I remember it well, Bill. Seems a short time ago, really. Next year, let's see if you can remember what you remembered this year! Time seems to fade those memories. I check back into the diary I kept to remember some of the things. Congratulations on your new birthday! God bless:)
Congratrulations Bill on you anniversery. Next year around tax time, I'll be able to say the same thing. My pretty nice wife is also taking off some time. I feel pretty lucky to have her with me during this time.
Congrats Bill

Congrats Bill

Great to hit the big anniversary.
Also very glad to hear you are feeling so weel Bill.
Hope you and your wife are both doing as well as you feel.

Today's the Day

Today's the Day

All - Thank you all for the responses.

To Gina - I think I started feeling good just after the flu, about four weeks after surgery. I can't be sure since I never pushed myself. Of course, at Scottsdale (April) at the baseball game, Hank had us running through the rain and walking six flights up to the parking garage. I felt bad for Barbara (my wife) since she had a hard time making it up those stairs.

To Christina - Barbara is doing fine. It is her birthday next week. Last year, she spent it in the hospital next to my bed. I could only share my jello with her.

one year anniversary

one year anniversary

Congratulations on your one year anniversary. I agree with Christina you looked wonderful in Scottsdale. It has to be your great attitude. Was it a nurse or Doctor's assistant that helped you so much when you were in North Carolina (or was that South)? Happy birthday to Barbara too.