Surgery on Jan 19th –A couple of questions

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New member
Jan 9, 2011
I am a new member here. I have been browsing this forum for a while and would like to have your input.

I was diagnosed with aortic root aneurysm and moderately leaky valve last April. My surgery recommended a mechanical valve attached to a Dacron graft conduit. He wants me to keep INR between 2.0 to 2.5 with warfarin therapy. But my cardiologist suggests 2.5 to 3.0 INR. I would like to know your target INR with anticoagulation therapy.

My surgeon requested MRI scan to make sure there is no brain aneurysm before the surgery. But I need authorization to have a scan and haven’t got approval from my insurance. Did your guys have brain scan before surgery and how did you deal with the insurance company?

Hi, Liang, welcome to VR. I have a tissue valve so I cannot answer your question about INR but there will be many others who can do so. With respect to your question about the MRI, no, I did not have one and my surgeon never requested one. Prior to surgery, the diagnostic test performed were an echo-cardiogram, an echo of the carotid arteries, an exercise stress test and a heart catheterizaion. I did not have to speak with the insurance company myself but there are other members who did so.

Thanks, Larry. I’ve had an ultrasound test of carotid arteries and catheterization. My surgeon requests brain scan for his patients with aneurysm as he published a paper relating to concurrence of aortic and intracranial aneurysms. His office sent the paper for approval of brain scan and got no answer yet from the insurance company.
Liang I had a mechanical aortic valve and double bypass and my INR target is 2.o to 3.0 from my doctor.With a mechanical valve you see 2.5 to 3.5 as target INR.I listen to my doc but try to keep it on the high side around 2.6 to 2.8.
I am a new member here. I have been browsing this forum for a while and would like to have your input.

I was diagnosed with aortic root aneurysm and moderately leaky valve last April. My surgery recommended a mechanical valve attached to a Dacron graft conduit. He wants me to keep INR between 2.0 to 2.5 with warfarin therapy. But my cardiologist suggests 2.5 to 3.0 INR. I would like to know your target INR with anticoagulation therapy.

My surgeon requested MRI scan to make sure there is no brain aneurysm before the surgery. But I need authorization to have a scan and haven’t got approval from my insurance. Did your guys have brain scan before surgery and how did you deal with the insurance company?


Liang, I have added your surgery to our VR public Calendar and I would add a heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family glad you are getting the information that you are seeking and there is a wealth of knowledge here for the future .....

Bob/tobagotwo has up dated a list of acronyms and short forms

what to ask pre surgery

what to take with you to the hospital

Preparing the house for post surgical patients

These are from various forum stickies and there is plenty more to read as well

And Lynw recently added this PDF on what to expect post op