Surgery officially scheduled

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No, that guy is who gave me the reason to search out this site, but he didn't lead me here!!

You are too crazy Ross! I love it!!

P.S. Can you send me that psycho-kitty avatar so I can show it to Wayne???

Silly woman, did you ever check your pm's? I'm showing it as unread. If you did and it's not there, it's posted in the halloween costume thread in small talk (A link to it anyway).
Hi Christina, I amso glad you have a date at CC its one of the best! Iwish you all the best. If he can't repair it what vavle would you put in? HFK
Christina and Ram,

I know that you are both releived that you have dates for your surgeries. I know that you will do well. After all, I will be following you and I need you two to lead the way with very successful surgeries with as little discomfort as possible.

My thoughts and prayers will be with you both

thank you

thank you


Thank you for the well wishes. I will try my darndest to be an example to others to follow, just as many already have on this board.

HFK, I will have a bovine tissue valve put in. Dr. Cosgrove in Cleveland uses these extensively now for the mitral position (guess they just got approved in 2000 (?)) and believe it or not seems to prefer to use tissue valves over mechanical at this point, even in someone of my age group - I will be 44 in about two weeks.

It is my personal choice. After going through this surgery once, if I have the bovine put in, I may get through this experience to regret it - knowing I will have another surgery in 10-15 years (which is the length of life the bovine valves have, I guess).

I am a very high-strung person (no surprise to the people on this board - ha) and also very squeamish and the thought of blood work all the time and a ticking sound to remind me of my heart, I feel, will drive me crazy, although I realistically know I would get used to ALL of this. My cardiologist definitely wants me to get a mechanical valve, but he said it is my choice.



No insurance. Paying out of pocket? You may have it paid off in time for your next valve replacement.:eek: $100,000....Start saving a college fee..:D With the stocks and our CD's going South..I have told my Grandson..He had better study HARD for a scholarship.. If not..we will have to sell our Motorhome to get him thru 2 years.:p :p Where will you stay after surgery>Need to stay in or around Cleveland for at least 2 weeks. Follow-up with surgeon around 2-3 weeks. Take care, Bonnie
Good Luck Christina

Good Luck Christina

Hi Christina,

Just want to wish you the best of luck with your surgery, and hope that everything goes smoothly with no complications and that your well again very soon. Take Care Harrybaby666:D :D :D
don't understand

don't understand


I will not be paying $100,000 out of my pocket, at least I hope not - not nearly that much, but it will cost a bit. No matter if I stay here in Colorado and use an in-network surgeon my insurance is a PPO and not that great. There is really nothing I can do about the financial end of things.

As for staying in Cleveland two weeks after the surgery, if all goes well (which is what I am expecting), most people only stay around the city another 4-5 days. There is a lady here in Colorado whom I met through my cardiologist (he sent her to Cleveland too), who stayed in Cleveland for four days extra - she is a year out from surgery and is doing fabulous - she shows horses. :) She was lucky and had a repair of her mitral valve by Cosgrove.

No one has told me that I need to see the surgeon again in two weeks. Maybe Melissa can help on this one. I just assumed that I would see my cardiologist here for followup. They have been sending tapes to Cosgrove of my pre-surgery tests and that is what I figure they will do afterwards.

We all have our personal journeys through valve surgery and this is mine. :)

Miss Bonnie I'm sorry but your wrong about staying in Cleveland and the follow up with the surgeon. Chris will be lucky if she even gets to talk to Cosgrove and if all goes well, she'll be headed out of that city within 3 to 5 days. Follow up is with her Cardiologist. ;)


Yes, you are right.Best thing to do..e-mail MelissaM..She would be the one to tell you all about Cleveland Clinic.I hope you feel like getting on a plane for ride home 4 days after you leave hospital. You will be very weak..Ask for wheelchair at Airports.. Try to get up and walk at least once..(on airplane) Got to keep walking as much as possible. You will have those nasty drugs in your body.and remember to get track of your meds (post-op)...And you will have many..until you see your Card back in Co.Takes about 3 weeks to wean off of them..Cost of surgery.. would like to hear from other members if they had to pay it.. Out of pocket:eek: Bonnie
Hospital costs

Hospital costs

Bonnie I know this isn't OHS but I sent away for a copy of my bills from Mass Gen. Hosp. for my two stays which included surgery. This was the most expensive room I ever stayed in at a whopping $1611.00 per day! Total for 14 days was a few dollars shy of $60,000.00 which BCBS paid 100%.

My 20% co-pay for 2 ambulance rides (one was med flight @ $3500.00) is nearly $1000.00 out of pocket. And I have the good insurance! Add that to my 20% co-pay for Plavix and Keppra (expensive drugs I didn't have time to send to mail order) plus a few misc. Rx's and it starts to add up.

21 years ago I rec'd a copy of my OHS bill from New England Medical for my mitral valve. It amounted to approx. $25,000.00. I wonder what it costs these days?
I live less than 2 hours from Duke and even at that close distance I was given the option of following up there or at my local PCP and cardio. I choose to follow-up locally. I did make a few phone calls to Duke people in the first days following surgery but that was it.

Giselle, I think so far my mitral valve including doctors and such is running a little bit over $80,000.00. I got a statement today and I was surprised that the cardiac anesthesiologist got almost as much as my surgeon.


Remember.. you have Many follow-up from all doctors. Mine is every 6 months.. echo's, ect.. My Card says every 6 months from now on:eek: Plus, your PCP..I have $902,278.00 left for me. I'm age 63.. Hope I don't run out of money:eek: Thank goodness No valve replacement in the future.:) :) :) Just buying my protime cuvettes at $2.00 each.:) :) :) Bonnie
Bills keep rolling in for my surgery. Right now totaling around $83,000. Insurance keeps paying the bills. :D

How many days to stay after release is a pretty individual decision. Unless you want to pay full fare on plane tickets to keep maximum flexibility, it is best to estimate a date. For me, it was a bit of a double-edged sword. I chose to travel 400 miles over two days upon being released from the hospital. Even though I felt GREAT in the hospital, the trip was pretty trying. The flip side is I was pretty darn uncomfortable in the hotel room, and wanted to get to a real home PDQ. I was discharged w/out any pain meds, though, which would have helped make the hotel room more comfortable for sleeping.

So. . .stay a few days to get feeling a bit better, make sure you get some pain meds (even if you don't end up using them), have someone to take care of your luggage, and you should do just fine.

I am 5 months out from surgery and my total is just around $96,400.00 and the bills are still coming in. Thank goodness for insurance.

Just make sure you have a nice pillow to hug as you travel if the clinic does not give you one. I hope you have a very uneventful time.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
Hi Chris,
Just call your airline and let them know you will be needing a wheelchair and why and they will have one waiting for you, or you can let them know at the curb side checkin you need one and they will take care of it.

As far as the total for surgery that is about right but you have to remember everything else that goes with it, like Dr. appointments, cardiac rehab, meds, etc.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
hi christina! hi ram!
i haven't been on for a few days and was so glad to see that you each have a date set.
now that all your "arrangements have been made", it's just the wait you'll have to put up with. please try and keep busy and we'll keep you company while you wait.
wishing you all the best, sylvia
Hi Christina,
I haven't been on the site for a few days and was glad to hear your surgery is scheduled. You will do fine. Remember to do everything your caregivers tell you to do. They will have you out of bed within 24 hours of your surgery with the tubes and IVs. You will not be out until the IVs and tubes are out. They will give you plenty of pain medication. And don't be afraid to ask for it. You have to be part of your recovery. You can't allow fluid build up in your lungs. Use your Spirometer. Your age will work in your favor. Be strong and determined. I am 49 and had a mechanical mitral valve replacement on Sept. 18th then developed a hematoma and had to go back into surgery on the 19th. It is now 3 weeks later and I feel better than I did before the surgery. I cannot emphasize enough to follow your caregiver's instructions. It is for your own good. Good luck and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Thank you SO much for the advice. I was sorry to hear about your little setback right after your surgery, but very thankful that you are doing so well now.

I will follow everyone's instructions to a T, believe me. Are you saying that I will be walking around with tubes and all in me?? Some people say they will be out already when I become coherent.

I can't wait to feel better. After reading all the symptoms of other people before their surgery, I realize that my tiredness all the time and not wanting to get up in the morning is largely from my leaky valve. I had just gotten so used to feeling this way, I guess. It will be wonderful to have more energy.

Please continue to take it easy yourself, Bob, and I pray that you will have a quick, full recovery very soon! I wish I were on the other side of the mountain, but we all have to be on this side first to get to the other side, right? :)

Hi Christina, I'm so glad you got your 'date' - that's good to get out of the way. One step at a time - it will be over before you know it.. The anticipation of any surgery is frightening - but I think you'll do really good. You have a great attitude and I think your a very strong person. Its amazing what strength we have that lies down in our souls.. Try to do something "FUN" between now and then to help take your mind off it. IN case you can't think of anything - I thought I might suggest somethings and that way when 'nervous' - pick up a FUN thing to do.. Okay

1. Eat a huge ice cream banana split - with tons of hot fudge and whip cream - OOoooh I love the whip cream.. :)
2. Rent a 'movie' and eat popcorn loaded with BUTTER.. :)
3. Read a good book - something that has 500 pages and real suspenseful
4. Call a friend that you haven't spoken to in years and chat about the good 'days'.
5. Get a 1000 piece puzzle - that's really pretty when finished and see if you can frame it..
6. Buy a paint by number set
7. Clean out that old cupboard that - you know you've wanted to clean out but never had the time - well you do NOW..
8. Bake some cookies and brownies and drop them off to your neighbors.
9. Teach yourself how to needlepoint or knit. I love to crochet.. I'm working on a Sunday snuggy blanket for my husband. I'm almost done and then I have to start a blanket for my daughter - already picked up the yarn. IT feels so good to look at what you've 'created'.
10.. Keep a diary of each day - it'll feel like you won't be repeating things to yourself - over and over and then you won't 'forget' anything.

11. REPEAT STEPS 1-10..

I know you'll be in good hands - but one thing you should also know - we all send lots and lots of HUGS EACH AND EVERYDAY.. When you feel you need our strength- take your arms wrap them around yourself and close your eyes and picture all your friends giving you a great big squeeze....


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