Surgery officially scheduled

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Christina L

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2003
Estes Park, Colorado
Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that my surgery has been officially scheduled for November 5, at the Cleveland Clinic by Dr. Delos Cosgrove, to have my mitral valve hopefully repaired, but possibly replaced.

I am so glad I found this site and have you all for support now that the surgery is official. I am so scared, but hope that having all of you behind me, I will get through this with flying colors.

Congratulations Chris.

While I know your stomach isn't saying everything is alright, it really is. We all got those butterflies believe me. We'll be here, as always, to walk with you all the way through.
Hi Christina-

You'll do just fine, and although you feel anxious about it, sou sound much calmer than when you first posted, so being here has been a good thing.

Stick with us, we'll help you approach that mountain.
Hey Christina
I am glad to hear you have a date for your surgery. Now just go and do some fun things and try not to worry about it to much. I think everyone of us was scared when we found out we had to have surgery. But I think you will be like the rest of us and after the surgery you are going to say to yourself, what was I so scared about, this wasn't so bad.

You are one of the lucky ones to have found this site before your surgery. I wish I would of had more time before my surgery to have found this site. But at least I found it after my surgery and it has helped me out tremendously.

Just think you are almost to the top of the mountain and soon will be on the downhill side getting better everyday.
Have A Great Week!

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Christina, if you weren't scared there would be something wrong with you. We all were and I dare say that most of us share a deeper respect for our health and our very lives because of this.

You are going to do just fine. Just make sure to post when you are feeling particuarly frightened or nervous. We've all been through it and many of us are here to support you however we can.

Stay strong.


Tell your prep-nurse before they wheel you in to operating room to tell want to be out for 2 days:D :D Then, you will wake up in a private room..not remembering anything.:p :p You will do fine. Bonnie
See my Cardiologist tomorrow

See my Cardiologist tomorrow

Echo done few weeks back. Tech said it looked the same as last year.:) This will be my 18 month checkup..Seen him every 6 months. Hope he puts me on the yearly checkup. Am so tired of Dr. appointments. Wed. My PCP will do the Female:D thing on me and then a bone scan on Friday. Then, Jury duty next week..then 3 month dental cleaning. Awful to get old:p :p :p Where did my Youth go..South?:p :p :p P.S. I stay giddy all the time..without that Goodfeel shot they gave me..It still hurts to laugh from where I tripped and fell 11 days ago. Guess, I'll have to tell them..Only thing. they will say..Go get an x-ray.:p More appointments. :eek: :eek: Bonnie
Hi Chris,

Congratulations on getting your date set. Are you breathing a sigh of relief that surgery is ACTUALLY scheduled and this will eventually be over?

I look forward to meeting you upon my return. . .we can exchange Cleveland notes. :)


Watch out for this lady! She's even more ornery then I when she's at her best. ;)
Thank you EVERYONE for your posts regarding my surgery being scheduled. I guess I have to be ready for this - the wheels are in motion.

I can't tell you all how much it means to me to have found this site and to have all this love and support emanating from people I have only recently met.

Bonnie, I AM going to ask them to keep me "out of it" as long as possible, until all the tubes and wires, etc. etc. are out of me. :) Ross will be kidding me in about 18 months, telling me that I am still "high" because I will be just as happy as you that I made it through with flying colors (God willing). :)

Melissa, do you think we will be able to meet before I leave for Cleveland? We will leave here on Sunday, the 2nd of November. I hope that we can. I would love to get the scoop on Cleveland and any helpful hints you may have.

And Ross, what can I say about YOU?? You keep me laughing, reading all your posts and seeing your new avatars. Thank you for your humor and you just have the best heart (no pun intended) - you are so kind and caring.

Thanks again to all of you!!!

Hi Christina,

I am so pleased that you have a date now. Soon this will all be behind you. The waiting was definitely the hardest part for me. I hope you have a Granbonny experience too. If not, you will do fine anyhow. Needless to say, my prayers are going up for you not only about your surgery but for the wait before it.

Take care Christina and I'm glad you are on this forum
Good for you

Good for you

Christina I am so happy that you finally have your surgery date. One step at a time, and before you know it, it will be all over with. I know that the waiting part is the hardest, I am still waiting to see what they will do with me. I just want to get it all over with as I am sure you do too!

Aren't you glad you found us? LOL :D
Hi Christina,

I beat you, I'm Oct. 28th, but you goin good, girl, wow cleavland and Cosgrove. a couple of winners in my book. I can't tell whether I'm nervous or excited. Some things in life leaves no choices, but you can still have a positive feeling about it.
Keep smilin and be positive, we're gonna be winners, I can feel it.:D
I can't tell whether I'm nervous or excited.
Gee, I remember that feeling very well. I think we all do Ram. I know the night before, I wanted nothing more then to leave the planet and not come back.
Everyone again, thanks for the well wishes.

Ross, do you have connections with anyone on Mars? - I would like to leave the planet, too, at this time. :D

Ram, I am like you, all of a sudden very "excited" - a strange feeling - like I want to get this thing going, but I am a month out, and when the surgery gets closer I will become frightened again.

Ram, I think we are going to be "winners" also. You have picked a tremendously great hospital for your surgery. I am having to fork out some money for my surgery, going to Cleveland and all, as they are out of my insurance network, but I feel it is worth it at this time. I will be paying for this surgery probably for many years to come.

Again, thanks Betty, Gisele, Caitlin, and Ram for your recent posts of encouragement. You are right, Gisele, I am VERY glad I found this board, but I don't feel it was an "accident." Someone, somewhere was leading me to this site. :)

Someone, somewhere was leading me to this site.
The Devil
Deal Maker


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