I had my AVR last Tuesday, here’s what I have to say:
Staying educated about the immediate post and pre surgery experience is important! Perusing the thread titled "
After your surgery, what are some of the things that you found out that surprised you" under the Post Surgery section of the forum really helped me in my learning process.
Interesting bits of information:
The breathing tube in the throat (right after surgery) can get extremely cumbersome; it’s good to have someone with you in the ICU that has pen and pad of paper so you can communicate. In my case I wrote: “GET TUBE OUT WANT ICE CUBES” and then promptly vomited.-Sigh-
Insulin shots are given to you after surgery because they need to keep your sugar levels low. Bacteria likes sugar and I was told that your pancreas goes into shock which in turn creates high sugar levels.
I wish I had some playing cards while recovering in the hospital.
I was lucky enough to have a family member posting on Facebook and sending email updates, this was great so my friends and other family members knew what was up in my recovery process. The hospital also had email-a-patient program which delivered printed emails to my hospital room, I had myself tagged on a post on Facebook with the link to program. A couple of my friends sent me some awesome emails
Get a good heart pillow!! Here’s mine:
http://www.amazon.com/DCI-26294-Piz...8&qid=1341367630&sr=8-1&keywords=pizza+pillow (--it works great)! *my hospital didn’t give one
Have a great Fourth! Good luck with the surgery!