Surgery done

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Active member
Aug 15, 2010
Hi everyone my husband had his surgery Tuesday 14th. He moved out of ICU on 15th. doing as well as can be expected. Was a tough day on 14th but had lots of support. I think they need to put the family out the day of surgery as well as the patient. He was on the vent longer than I anticipated but doing well.
Thanks for letting us know. I'm glad things are going so well and I agree tit is a very long tough day for the loved ones. Speaking of which, try to take care of yourself and get as much sleep as you can, so you are well rested when he comes home and YOUR work really begins. :)
My wife sad the same thing! When I got some meds prior to surgery to calm my nerves, my wife asked for some as well. However, they turned her down.

There is a journey ahead of you and for your husband, but take it slow and stay positive. The mind is a powerful thing, and keeping positive is a great thing.
yes, the first couple of days are rough and kind of scary for spouses. My husband was a total wreck while I was zonked on morphine. After 2 days when I became more coherent he new I would be okay. ;)
Good to read; you'll be putting him through his cardio rehab paces in no time :) Best wishes!
Your husband is doing very well to be out of ICU after just one day! I spent 3 days there and my recovery was considered to be routine. Wishing for a continued smooth and complications free recovery. Please keep us updated...
Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. He is doing great. Just waiting for the INR to get in range. He is eating and walking great. Has some pain at times but they say the younger you are the more pain you have. I forgot to mention I'm a ICU nurse and resp therapist, I thought I was prepared for the surgery but I realized I knew way too much. Glad the worst is over and now on to healing. Had great care from surgeon and staff. This site is a blessing.