Good Morning Everyone:
So I had my pre-op angiogram on Friday and have good and sorta-bad news to report.
Good news, is that my arteries are nice and clean, and except for my useless aortic valve and enlarged aortic root, my heart is in good shape.
The sorta-bad news, is that while the procedure itself went OK, after 4 hours of waiting for my femoral artery to heal (clamped, and then a 10 pound sand bag), once I got up to walk, I took about 10 steps and it hemorrhaged. The pain of having the nurses put immediate manual pressure on it to stop the bleeding isn't something I'd like to repeat anytime soon. I didn't' swear once though
I ended up having to stay an extra 24 hours before they would let me leave. So I got home last night at about 7:00.
So here I sit, with my whole right right side from my waist to mid-thigh a lovely shade of purple. They reckon I leaked about a cup and a half of blood. It isn't painful (unlike if it were a bruise), just a bit stiff. One of the nurses mentioned that they get about one of these a week, and usually its the people who have clean arteries...ironic.
That's it for golf now though until spring.