Surgery August 1st

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
Hey everyone!
I had a frustrating call from the surgeon's office today. I was supposed to have my surgery July 27th and they have had to postpone it until August 1st. No one - except me - seems to think it is a big deal. I guess it really isn't, but it gives me 5 more days of being anxious over the surgery.
Today was my last day at work until I am healed enough to return. I will still have my heart cath on the 26th as scheduled.
I did not even know that I had a heart problem until the 1st of May when a loud murmer was heard at my yearly physical. I was sent for an echo that was inconclusive and then on for the TEE which confirmed a bicuspid aortic valve with severe regurge and also the mitral starting to leak. I did have prior symptoms - fatigue, lots of dizziness, etc - just no clue that they were symptoms of something serious.
So, here I am, with now a week and a half to go until the big day. I am looking for information and support and am so glad I have found this site.
I am a 33 year old wife and mother to a 6 year old girl and 8 year old boy.
I will be having surgery in Nashville, TN at St. Thomas Hospital. Anyone else near Nashville?
I look forward to getting to know you all!
Welcome to the forum, Tammy. I put your surgery date on the calendar. Now you have 5 more days to have any and all questions answered! Have you chosen which valve you will have? Look at all the valve choice, pre- surgery and post surgery threads and if you still have any questions, feel free to post them- no question is too stupid! :D We wish you the best and hope the cath on the 26th is clean.
Welcome Tammy.

I am sure there is a good reason your surgery was postponed but it is an annoyance. Just try to think of it as a bonus vacation and more time with your family (without post-surgical pain).

We will be thinking of you from now until long past your surgery now that you are in our family. Please stay in touch, ask questions, vent, laugh, whatever you need to do. We will be here to help you through.

I think we have a few members in TN. I am sure they will be around to say heh. I am not all that far (in southern Ohio).
Welcome Tammy! I was 31 and had a 5 year-old and a 7 year-old at home when I had my mitral valve replaced with a St. Jude mechanical. That was over 13 years ago and life has been great! I've lead a very happy, busy life with a huge appreciation for the fact that I was given the gift of my valve replacement in order to do that.

It's a big, scary thing you're going through, but you will come out on the other side with a newly remodeled heart ready to have a great healthy life.
It's normal to feel like that.

It's normal to feel like that.

Hi Tammy and welcome. I know it's rather frustrating when you have your mind set on a date and there is a change. But remember, your surgeon will have a few more days' experience before he operates on you. As well as that, you'll also be able to do some more research and ask any questions you may have. I'm sure you'll be fine! Take care
Débora :)
Hi Tammy and Welcome to the Family!

My husband had his OHS last October. We have two boys, ages 5 & 9. It is a little scary for the kids when a parent has surgery. We explained to them that Daddy needed to have his heart fixed. We showed them the hospital before hand so they could see where he was going to be. I think it made things a little easier for them. They saw him the day after his surgery and then a couple more times while he was there. He called them every night at bedtime so he could tell them good night.

As far as them changing your date, it is very frustrating. You get to the point when it gets close that you just want to have it overwith! They changed Jeff's date about a week before surgery. He was scheduled for a Friday surgery and they moved it to the following Monday. It turned out for the best. We were told that it's better to have a Monday surgery than a surgery later in the week, simply because with the later week surgery you have to deal with weekend staff who are not as familiar with your situation so you may not get as good of care. Then three days before his surgery they called and asked if he minded if some other doctors observed the surgery. Well, he said he didn't care. Then they dropped the bomb that they would have to reschedule the surgery for two weeks later so the doctors had time to plan on coming to the hospital. Needless to say, Jeff didn't wait for them. We were both on edge at that point and just wanted to get the surgery over. The waiting was killing us both.

Enjoy the next two weekends! I will be thinking of you on the 1st!

Hi Tammy, welcome, I'm pretty new here.I don't have a heart problems but my son Justin,17 was born w/ congenital heart defects. I know how frustrating it is to have surgery postponed Justin was supposed to have his last surgery March 8th but it was postponed 3 times and he didn't have it until May5th. It was so frustrating since my husband kept turning down work so he could he at the hospital with Justin and then at the last min (one time it was cancelled the day before) it would be pushed back again. and then all the mental part of just wanting it to be over and done with. I will keep you in my prayers, it must have been such a big surprise to find out you had heart problems, but at least since you have been having symptons you will feel so much better after surgery, Lyn

Ditto the Monday surgery - much better to have the surgeon rested.

Also ditto enjoy the extra time. You have time to shop (go ahead - splurge - it'll be a while before you can enjoy this), go to movies with the kids, go on a date with hubby, and generally treat yourself like a queen.

Enjoy your time off and keep busy - the 1st will be here before you know it.
THANK YOU for all the kind welcomes and the encouragment. I feel much better about waiting those 5 extra days now. I never thought pre-surgery could be so stressful. My emotions have gotten all out of whack. One incredible thing that I have realized through the past few weeks is how many friends I am blessed with. I have never felt so loved in my entire life.

I do have a question. Any one who has had bicuspid and been overweight before surgery lose a lot of weight after? Wishful thinking!!! ;)


Pamper yourself this week. Do something special -- go to a movie, get a pedicure (dunno if it's a good idea to get a manicure -- they may need to see your normal nail color!), etc.

Many people do lose weight post-op, due to meds, anesthesia, etc.. But then again, some people never have that problem.

I was overweight pre-op, some my own fault, some due to the mitral valve not working right. I lost about 24 pounds post-op, gained some back. Because I felt that God had given me another shot at life and decided I wasn't going to screw it up, I joined Weight Watchers last June. On Dec. 30, 2004, I became a lifetime member, meaning I had met my goal and kept it for 6 consecutive weeks.
So far, I've been able to avoid putting the weight back on. Every day that I'm home, I weigh myself when I wake up. I attend at least 3 Weight Watchers meetings a month. I've drastically changed my eating habits (I don't call it being on a diet). I'm on the "core" plan, which emphasizes fruits, veggies, grains, baked/broiled/grilled foods, skim milk, etc. It's a healthy approach to eating, not unlike the South Beach diet.

I am 50 pounds under what I weighed 6/23/03. I've gone from a 16/18 to 10 in most clothing and from a 10/11 in shoes to a 9 1/2. My rings have been resized. I didn't keep a "fat" wardrobe; that would be giving myself permission to regain the weight. Everything was donated to Goodwill.

My heart surgery was a wake-up call to get health and I intend to stay this size.
At least several others here have felt the same way, and have worked to lose weight post-op, either through changing their eating habits or by getting really involved in an exercise regimen (marathons, biking, etc.).

Good luck with your surgery. You will feel much, much better once the recovery is over!