I had 2 8 hour open hearts in Sept, but they left a little hole in my septum, so I have to go back in Nov. 17th to close the hole. Hope there is enough scar tissue to sew it up. I haven't been able to do much since my last surgeries, its hard. I can't get back to work, and if I do too much one day, I pay for the next couple of days. I mostly feel ok sitting down, walking is a chore, and I used to walk a lot. I want my life back, and hope I will get it with the new surgery. I hope there are no complications this time. I wouldn't be alive if I hadn't had my very calcified aortic valve replaced (its doing great) but I do seem to generate complications. wish me an easy effective surgery this time, I don't want another one for about 20 years. Queness