Surgeries on Thursday: qtson and Jijoto

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The VR calendar has qtson and Jijoto both scheduled for replacement this Thursday. So, I would like to offer my best wishes and my ferverent hope for fabulous luck as you go through surgery and recovery!

See you on the other side--
Wishing you both the best and look forward to hearing all good reports on the other side.
Best of luck and the speediest of recoveries to qtson and Jijoto in their respective procedures. -- Jim
Good luck to you both! :) I hope you both have a very quick recovery.

Best Wishes,
Good luck to both of you and all the best with your recovery. Brad
Thank you all for your support!

I think I would have gone crazy without the knowledge within and the help and support of all its members and my family/friends.

I will post an update as soon as I can.

Thank you again.

Thanks from QTson

Thanks from QTson

I would also like to thank all of you, who have quickly answered so many questions. I had an angiogram this afternoon and am now back at my son's house, ready to go for the big show tomorrow. This morning I was worried about the angiogram, but received great care from the staff at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. I was so comfortable my pulse never exceeded 64. I know tomorrow is a much bigger deal than today, but this evening as I post this I am relatively calm and confident. At this moment at least, I feel like Exhibit 1 in the case for the power of prayer.

I do not believe I experience this calm as the result of any personal strength or willpower. I can worry with the best of them when left to my own strength. Thanks again for the prayers from this site and other places. I will be "off the air" for a few days, but look forward my first post with this thing behind me. Thanks again, and goodby for a few days.
My TEE is tomorrow

My TEE is tomorrow

Hey all,
I am new here but have been so encouraged with all the support and encouragement that we each extend to one another. I know it really helps to know so many others understand each and every one of my thoughts regarding heart issues. My questionable TEE is scheduled tomorrow at 2:00. I wish I could have talked my cardiologist out of this one but he is standing firm. Why? I don't know. Oh well!
More later,
Many prayers for you tonight! Keep that calmness. You are in good hands all the way around!
qtson said:
I would also like to thank all of you, who have quickly answered so many questions. I had an angiogram this afternoon and am now back at my son's house, ready to go for the big show tomorrow. This morning I was worried about the angiogram, but received great care from the staff at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. I was so comfortable my pulse never exceeded 64. I know tomorrow is a much bigger deal than today, but this evening as I post this I am relatively calm and confident. At this moment at least, I feel like Exhibit 1 in the case for the power of prayer.

I do not believe I experience this calm as the result of any personal strength or willpower. I can worry with the best of them when left to my own strength. Thanks again for the prayers from this site and other places. I will be "off the air" for a few days, but look forward my first post with this thing behind me. Thanks again, and goodby for a few days.
May God bless you and keep you tomorrow. I have to admit, I'm a little envious, wanting to get it over with. You will be OK and better than ever. I'm offering my virtual hand to hold for as long as you need it.
