I would also like to thank all of you, who have quickly answered so many questions. I had an angiogram this afternoon and am now back at my son's house, ready to go for the big show tomorrow. This morning I was worried about the angiogram, but received great care from the staff at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. I was so comfortable my pulse never exceeded 64. I know tomorrow is a much bigger deal than today, but this evening as I post this I am relatively calm and confident. At this moment at least, I feel like Exhibit 1 in the case for the power of prayer.
I do not believe I experience this calm as the result of any personal strength or willpower. I can worry with the best of them when left to my own strength. Thanks again for the prayers from this site and other places. I will be "off the air" for a few days, but look forward my first post with this thing behind me. Thanks again, and goodby for a few days.