The group of thoracic surgeons that did my surgery split up last November. Part of the group went with the Cardiologists and my Dr. and a new one are on their own. It seems that the Cardiologists are not referring to my Dr. but their own. Truthfully, mine was the best and my Cardio referred me to him. Today I received a letter from my Dr. stating that we all had the right to choose the Dr. we want not the ones now employed by the Cardiologists. Don't know why they broke up but I understand that my Doc was a tyrant. Saw him in action and it wasn't a pretty sight. Excellent surgeon and I would have him again in a heartbeat. I think I read about this happening somewhere on the east coast where a group of cardiologists hired their own surgeon and were starving the other group. At the time of my surgery, there was 6 Dr.s and 3 nurses, and 4 PAS. Now it is down to 2 Docs and 1 PA and 2 nurses. He has been doing this for 23 years and is excellent and really has some difficult cases. I had received a letter at Xmas time stating that there had been some personal changes and we would be still taken care of by himself and the new Doc. When I had my surgery, he was really overloaded and was glad to see that he had some help with the kids. Hopefully I won't need him again,