Surgeons in Southeast

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Surgeons in Southeast

Don't know if I properly thanked everyone for this valuable information. Sure do appreciate it. I am saving it all in case I need it soon.

My surgeon from 2005 in DC area now has all my scans and echos in hand, and his assistant said Friday that he plans to go to hospital archives early this week and compare with my images from back then. So hopefully I will hear something this week.

I hope he can tell me the 5.1 cm aortic aneurysm spotted on a CT scan a few weeks ago is just some kind of anomaly (or maybe this is all a bad dream?), but I know that is almost surely wishful thinking.

Anyway, thanks again. Waiting is awful as we all know, but it sure is great to have a place like this to turn to.
I hope you hear soon. Sometimes it is frustrating, doctors or staff just do NOT realize what life is like waiting to hear back from them, which reminds me I have to re email Justin's PA :)