My surgeon was very proactive at making recommendations for me too, which I appreciated. And my cardiologist and GP both supported what he was recommending. It's not like he was forcing me to do what he wanted, he was just making it very clear that he had a strong opinion, at least in my case (49 year-old, otherwise healthy). If I would have really wanted to go tissue (like I originally thought, and had told him) he would have done it. But he strongly recommended mechanical for me. And he even had a strong recommendation on which mechanical valve he preferred, but again, would do a different one if I really wanted. I ended up going with his recommendations, and so far am happy I did. No real issues with Coumadin so far, the ticking hasn't really been an issue, and I'm happy I most likely won't have to go through the surgery again.
The vast majority of my original fears about Coumadin (see my original post below) were later debunked, and I think rightfully so. But I also fully support those deciding on tissue. I agree with Lyn that at some point, you'll most likely come to an at-peace feeling about your decision, whichever way you decide, and I think that's your gut telling you it's the right decision. I think the most important thing is to fully understand the pros and cons of whatever choice you make. Then you can't go wrong!