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After last echo and an aborted TEE test my cardiologist has advised that my aortic valve (stenosis and regurge with no symptoms) needs replaced. An appointment has been set up for next week with a possible surgeon.
I thought at one time I had seen a list of possible questions to cover with a surgeon but can't seem to find the thread.
Can anyone direct me, or give advise, as to the types of things to ask besides questions concerning valve choice?
Thanks for all the help
Hey Fellow West Virginian

Hey Fellow West Virginian

Hey there, I am new to this site and I am also facing heart surgery. I am wondering if you are in the Charleston area and if so, who is your cardio doctor as well as your surgeon? I am being referred to Dr. Khan at CAMC for my surgery. I have heard such fantastic things about his practice. I am a patient of Dr. William Carter of the Charleston Cardiology Group.I had a TEE in 2001 and have another scheduled for August 4. Sounds like we share some of the same problems. Up until a week ago, it seems only the mitral valve was of concern, but following this echo with doppler, now I am looking at having the aorta valve replaced as well. I have stenosis and reguritation. I don't have an impressive array of presenting symptoms...just tired, occasional discomfort when laying down. Haven't had any of the dizzy spells or fainting. . Was wondering why was your TEE aborted? Hope to hear from you and hope all is well with you...considering.

bobcatrel said:
After last echo and an aborted TEE test my cardiologist has advised that my aortic valve (stenosis and regurge with no symptoms) needs replaced. An appointment has been set up for next week with a possible surgeon.
I thought at one time I had seen a list of possible questions to cover with a surgeon but can't seem to find the thread.
Can anyone direct me, or give advise, as to the types of things to ask besides questions concerning valve choice?
Thanks for all the help
dj/utvolsfan said:
Hey there, I am new to this site and I am also facing heart surgery. I am wondering if you are in the Charleston area and if so, who is your cardio doctor as well as your surgeon? I am being referred to Dr. Khan at CAMC for my surgery. I have heard such fantastic things about his practice. I am a patient of Dr. William Carter of the Charleston Cardiology Group.I had a TEE in 2001 and have another scheduled for August 4. Sounds like we share some of the same problems. Up until a week ago, it seems only the mitral valve was of concern, but following this echo with doppler, now I am looking at having the aorta valve replaced as well. I have stenosis and reguritation. I don't have an impressive array of presenting symptoms...just tired, occasional discomfort when laying down. Haven't had any of the dizzy spells or fainting. . Was wondering why was your TEE aborted? Hope to hear from you and hope all is well with you...considering.


Hi - I'm about 30 miles south of Wheeling (New Martinsville). Thinking of having surgery at Wheeling Hospital. I should know more after my visit with the surgeon on Thursday.

The reason the TEE was stopped was after about 2 hous waiting my blood pressure dropped to approximately 107/53 before the proceedure started and any medication was given. I was told that made the TEE unsafe as people with aortic valve problems usually have their pressure drop significantly after they are put under. With mine so low to start with the cardiologist was afraid of any further drop. Keep in touch and hope things work out for you.