Sunset in the east

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Beautiful photos Dennis! Great site too.

Now, being the greedy person I am, you need to do one of all the photos you've taken from your home/deck etc.

What kind of camera do you use?
Photo stuff

Photo stuff

Karlynn: I use a Canon Power Shot G5 (5 mega pixels). This is a pretty basic camera, and sometimes I would love to get a better one. (When Al Lodwick took his camera out I got a permanent case of envy). But it is small enough & cheap enough that I often have it along, (just in case) when an unexpected picture presents itself. If I ever get a chance to upgrade my camera, I would probably shop online at B&H photo.

I will be organizing the Jemez pictures for a second web-site. The Banff site seemed like a better size for a first attempt. Finally, I would like to say that I am so impressed and encouraged with my new iweb software from Apple. I know there are probably a lot of bells & whistles that are missing, but it did what I wanted, and only took a couple of hours to create. In fairness I should probably add that I have always downloaded my photos to the Apple iphoto program, and purchased the space where the website is located from Apple. If I had branched out into other areas I am sure it would have been a little more difficult.

Old ManEmu: The web-site that I showed a link to in this thread was from a recent trip to Banff Canada, which-as you know-is one of the great parks in the world. Nearly all of the Southwest Canyon/Sunrise/Sunset pictures that I have shown in the past were taken from the deck of our home in Jemez Springs, NM. The land in those photos is not a part of any park. 15 miles up the road is land that has recently been purchased by the Federal Government for use as a national park. There is some interesting information on the Web under Valles Caldera.
I just finished viewing the new pages. The photos are truly spectacular! Thank you so much for sharing the beauty you have seen and captured.
Your G5 takes great photos! I have a 5 year old Olympus C-3030 3 mega pixels. We've taken it on both our European trips and it has done the trick. However, I just ordered a little Canon Powershot 450 Elph. We gave our son the 400 last year for Christmas and it takes really great photos and fairly good movies. It's the size of a deck of cards and I wanted something I could put in my purse. He just carries his in his pocket. He wanted something he could carry easily all the time to get shots for advertising ideas and uses. It's a 5 mp too. But it's certainly not a professional's camera.

The instructions on my 3 mp Olympus say to only use the high setting if you're going to be blowing up the photos larger than 11 X 14. I always have mine set on the medium setting.

With your photographic skills I think a great camera would serve you well. I'm just a "fun shooter".

Have you ever tried B & H Photo is one of the stores that always comes up when I'm looking for photographic things. Pricegrabber does the price shopping for you. It will give you your bottom line price with shipping and tax. It also rates the merchants. When you select a merchant it takes you right to their web site. is another store that gets great ratings from Pricegrabber. A friend of mine that is a professional photographer has purchased 3 of her recent cameras from them. I think I even got my Olympus from them.

Have you ever entered your photographs in art shows or competitions? If not, you should!
This little Olympus FE100 I picked up rocks! 4 mega pixels, but the images are stunning for a cheaper camera.