I posted the thread about whether bicuspid aortic valve folks should avoid catheterization before surgery because of their potentially fragile aortic tissue.
Just wanted to report that I went ahead with my cath on Friday the 13th and that all went well. As many of you have said, it was really no big deal. I was given Versed and Fentanal, but not enough Versed that I don't remember what happened (generally and with fuzzy edges). I remember the warm sensation of the dye, mostly, and slept through much of the subsequent 3-hour recovery period.
My coronary arteries were whistle-clean and the imaging didn't turn up any other anomalies--at least none that my cardio told my husband about while I was sleeping after the test. They sent me home with a photocopy of the coronary artery imaging, and you can see my enlarged ascending aorta. Not sure if a measurement was taken of the ascending aorta; I'll find out at my follow-up visit next week.
I have a sore groin and a giant bruise where the cath entered, but other than that, no distressing after-effects from the cath. Just an excuse for hubby to wait on me...
So thanks to everyone who assured me that the cath was doable and useful. Indeed it was. Now just one more invasive procedure on my schedule...surgery on June 1.
Just wanted to report that I went ahead with my cath on Friday the 13th and that all went well. As many of you have said, it was really no big deal. I was given Versed and Fentanal, but not enough Versed that I don't remember what happened (generally and with fuzzy edges). I remember the warm sensation of the dye, mostly, and slept through much of the subsequent 3-hour recovery period.
My coronary arteries were whistle-clean and the imaging didn't turn up any other anomalies--at least none that my cardio told my husband about while I was sleeping after the test. They sent me home with a photocopy of the coronary artery imaging, and you can see my enlarged ascending aorta. Not sure if a measurement was taken of the ascending aorta; I'll find out at my follow-up visit next week.
I have a sore groin and a giant bruise where the cath entered, but other than that, no distressing after-effects from the cath. Just an excuse for hubby to wait on me...
So thanks to everyone who assured me that the cath was doable and useful. Indeed it was. Now just one more invasive procedure on my schedule...surgery on June 1.