Hello Nancy,
I strongly suspect that STRESS (combination of several personal stressors and a very cold winter) lead to my Heart Attack several years ago.
Many years, two angioplasties, and a triple ByPass later, I had two Atrial Fibrilation events this year. The first followed a regular treadmill workout. I tend to push my upper heart rate limit. My doctors have suggested backing off a bit. The second followed a stressful weekend of activity during a period of very high work related stress contemplating an early retirement offer and then trying to clear out my office and projects in 3 weeks. So yes, I believe STRESS is a factor.
After retiring, increasing symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath on exertion lead to the discovery that I had moderate mitral and aortic valve calcification with mitral regurgitation and aortic stenosis. The doctors are still working to minimize my symptoms with medication. With further degeneration I fully expect to require aortic valve replacement and mitral valve repair or replacement.
(by the way, I'm confused by the use of "lol"...all I can think of is
Lots of Luck but that doesn't always seem to fit the usage. Clarification appreciated.)