
Valve Replacement Forums

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When i first found this forum awhile ago now, i came straight on to this bit where everybody is here to answer questions and give support, i added it to my favourites and so this is were i come on to everytime, because my computer as been wiped clean, i had to type in valvereplacment. com and came across the main page. It is the first time and i came across the storys, it has been really nice to read up on some of the regulars and get the full history of their conditions. Hank i found your story fasinating but when i got to the end it says to be continude are you going to finish it off, or maybe you have and i just didn't see:eek: . I guess i might seem a bit dumb about this but there you go. Thanks everyone just want to say how glad i am to have found you all:)
what a nice post (tho am sorry about your computer). It wouldn't hurt any of us to go read the personal stories. Since I last read them, there must be a lot of new ones.
Paula. That's actually the very first thing I did was read some of the stories. I wasn't familiar with forums and didn't feel comfortable joining until I felt like I knew a little more. So I chose one of the people who had written their story, it was Heidi, and wrote to her. She was lovely and wrote me for many weeks and shared so much with me. She gave me strength and hope. Everyone here knows that I'm a pretty optimistic person, but frankly, had it not been for Heidi's kindness in the first place, I might not have found my optimism.

Thanks for sharing your feelings!

I had completely forgotten I even HAD a story posted until someone PMed me about mine the other day. I went back to read it and it's 5 years old! A LOT has happened since then (8 more surgeries!). I'm wondering if there's a way of updating our story. Ross? Hank?

I agree that the stories kind of "flesh out" the people behind the screen names. :D


Yes - the stories section is one of the most valuable parts of this site.

We all jump straight to the forums most of the time and skip them.

However, new people visiting for the 1st time usually find the site through Google or some other search engine or referral. these new visitors land on the main page and are drawn to the stories.

This is one of the main goals for enhancements to over hte next few months.

We are working to organize the stories section and to get all of the stories into the same format and to make them searchable.

I will also be adopting the policy that whenever I post a new story, I will take the liberty of gleaning out all personal identifiable information, such as using first names only and changing locations to broader terms.

I will also be finishing my own story. It's only been 9 years now - whats the rish :eek:

I will also be finishing my own story. It's only been 9 years now - whats the rish :eek:[/QUOTE]

No worrys i will still be around, maybe i will get to read the rest of the story in another 9 years :) .

I dont remember going onto the main page but maybe i did and just went straight on to the forum bit and saved it ???? i see i spelt stories wrong too:eek: