Stop Warfarin before Flu Shot ?

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This advice from a cardiologist? I can't believe it. I would have thought they would be very educated on coumadin/warfarin. Did he/she explained why it was necessary for a flu shot? Seriously I believe I manage my health better than my cardiologist!
Wow! I'm SOOO glad I check this with you guys before going for it. Now I know how good my doc is when it comes to warfarin mgmt. :( Yeah, this could make an outrageous list.
I'm gonna get my Flu shot. My cardio said stop the med for few days to lower INR to 1.5. And after the shot, do not apply pressure. ....

so.....does she also advise you to come off warfarin for a blood draw?
I'm stunned... this is just about the dumbest - and most dangerous thing - I've heard in a long time. Jeesh... even if there's some risk of bleeding from the intramuscular injection it certainly won't be enough for you to bleed to death. Maybe a small bruise.
Makes me wonder .................

Makes me wonder .................

if cardiologist is not an over-zealous practitioner of April Fools Day:--maybe just can't wait for the next one.
Got my flu shot on the way home from work, at a Kroger's store.

When the pharmacist put a band-aid on the injection spot, I told her that I'm on warfarin, have a mechanical valve, and about this thread, of someone being advised to hold warfarin doses for several days before getting a flu shot.

She couldn't believe it .... had a good laugh :D said it's not needed.....