stomach pains & heart problems

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I have Severe Aortic Regurgitation. With flow reversal in abdominal aorta. I am waiting for surgery.
I have stomach pains that come and go about a year without any reason.
Do you think there may be any connection to my heart problem?
I did gastroscopy and it was fine. My Doctor think I have IBS.
If he is right, Do I need to reconsider of mech valve because of the cumadin's affect on IBS?

I'm not sure of any relation between stomach and heart problems, but I would ask my cardiologist about the possible IBS and coumadin.
I guess the question is what do you mean by "pains"?

If it's discomfort and bloating, I'd say it could be heart related, if you're trapping fluids (google "ascites"). I had a lot of that before I was diagnosed.
Have you kept a diary to try to relate these pains to anything? Food, activity? This may help docs determine the etiology of the pain. Write down everything you can about what may have contributed to the pain you have each time you have it, how long it lasted, if it radiated anywhere, heart rate, blood pressure, other symptoms ,etc.
Hello Avshalom, nice to see you but sorry to hear you are having pain. Any unexplained pain should be checked out by your doctor. Please do it and then let us know?
stomach pains

stomach pains

Hi everyone,
Thank you all for your help.
I intend to check it.
I hope i will find out the reason for what you called " horrible stomach pains" . Meanwhile i want to thank god that i heard about forums. These forums have been a great source of information for me. I don't know what would I do without you.
I had congenital aortic valve damage as well as other heart defects. I started having painful bouts of abdominal pain in the spring of 2002. This led me to my abdominal problems were found...but it was determined that my aortic valve problem was becoming more critical. I was started on several heart medications...and this ended my abdominal pains. The abdominal pains returned in the spring of 2003...this time...the heart valve had deteriorated to the point that I had valve replacement surgery in July 2003. The abdominal pain disappeared after the surgery and has not returned. In my case...the abdominal pains were clearly associated with the status of my heart and the valve function. According to my caridologist...this is not a common thing.