scott x94x
I'm just wondering from some of you with more experience, im still having headaches pretty much every morning but they go away some time during the day. I've been taking pain killers moderately still and im just wondering if thats the right thing to be doing considering my mother took away my Percocet for fear that i would get addicted although i only take them once a day. Without any medication, the past few nights have been very troublesome in the sleep department (i take my medication at night) and i have a lot of trouble turning in bed and a sharp pain on the right side of my chest that comes and goes.
Is it wrong to still be on pain killers or what? my mom thinks its all in my head and i feel thats completely ridiculous since im the one that is going through this ordeal and not her (She's on this website btw, Queen Victoria).
She's also criticizing how much i've been walking although she basically refuses to walk with me and give me any encouragment other than saying how much better other people on this website are doing than i am. I walk every day now around the block and some more.
Any advice from wise elders?
Thanks a Lot,
I'm just wondering from some of you with more experience, im still having headaches pretty much every morning but they go away some time during the day. I've been taking pain killers moderately still and im just wondering if thats the right thing to be doing considering my mother took away my Percocet for fear that i would get addicted although i only take them once a day. Without any medication, the past few nights have been very troublesome in the sleep department (i take my medication at night) and i have a lot of trouble turning in bed and a sharp pain on the right side of my chest that comes and goes.
Is it wrong to still be on pain killers or what? my mom thinks its all in my head and i feel thats completely ridiculous since im the one that is going through this ordeal and not her (She's on this website btw, Queen Victoria).
She's also criticizing how much i've been walking although she basically refuses to walk with me and give me any encouragment other than saying how much better other people on this website are doing than i am. I walk every day now around the block and some more.
Any advice from wise elders?
Thanks a Lot,