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I was wondering if anyone else can feel the wires in the sternum. I have healed really bumpy and it looks gross. Still have a couple of spots that are still pretty sore at times. Also, that bump on the top has not gone away. I think they told me it would. The surgeon told me that I had the longest sternum. I read that someone had the wires taken out. For what reason would this be done? It actually hurts to wear a bra at times. I don't think you guys could relate to that one. Any input would help. Thanks,
Hi Marcia,
Can't help with the bra thing...but I still can feel the wires almost eight years after my 2nd AVR. There are a couple bumps that have always been there as well. I just live with it and am thankful nothing is painful. Hope yours calm down for you!
Les AVR '93 / '95
Hi Marcia

Hi Marcia

Yes I can feel the wires, there are ones on this site that have gotten them remove because they poked out through the chest or broke somehow.

My sterum is still healing, and it's been 9 months, bras don't hurt as much as they use too, and a bad sleeping position does put it out of joint anymore, so I guess, for me, it time heals all wounds.

I don't know how long ago your surgery was but my "hump" at the top of the sterum took a good 3 months or more to subside,I don't know about having a long sterum, but my scar is 11+ inchesand it doesn't start at the very top of the sterum, also I can't feel my xiphoid process, hope I never need CPR.



Thanks for your replies. I am almost 6 mos. post op. Will be on the 27th of this month. All the guys in Cardio Rehab that had surgery didn't seem to have this problem. Maybe because men and women are built differently. Somedays I think this body will never be the same again. I know, it won't. Thanks,
If it's really bothering you, talk to your Doctor about it. They can and have done so in the past, removed the troublesome ones. I would think that they'd want to wait a while longer in your case because of it only being 6 months out, but it's still worth saying something. ;)
Hi Marcia,
I have seven wires and can feel at least four of them.
I'm on the thin side and maybe that's why.
I had similar questions like yours at that time and they took an x-ray to make sure all was OK and it was.
I still have the x-ray.
That was close to seven years ago and the wires don't bother me at all.
Of course I can't answer the bra question but I'm sure a lot of the ladies here will.


I am going to call the surgeon's office and see what they have to say. I think something is not right. Woke me up every time that I turned over. Felt better a couple of weeks ago. I have 3 Drs. at this time so I am assuming the surgeon is the one I should contact. If wires had to be taken out, would he be the one to do it? I don't want to put the cart before the horse, but just curious. Thanks,


My wires were bother me also, so I asked a surgeon about
it and he said no problem. So I went to his office and he had 4
wires out in ten minutes, right in his office. He was not a heart surgeon, but just a generalist. That was three months after my
Good luck,
Hi Marcia,

I could still feel the wires until almost one year. One near the top almost drove me crazy. I think it is because women are built different. We have more pulling our sternum back apart as we're trying to heal. ;) Kinda is defeating the purpose if you know what I mean! :D

There are other members who have had some of the wires pulled out. I didn't do that though. At almost 2 1/2 years post-op the sternum feels fine now.
I had all my wires removed by my surgeon 8 mos after my AVR.
I could feel each one and , being thin, they really bothered me, and hurt when rubbed.
I was under anesthesia and it took about 20 minutes. He did it as an out patient. It felt stiff for a few days after and now, no wires, and much more comfortable.


Thanks for all your input. I have an appoinment with the surgeon on the 27th of August. I have to get a chest Xray first. The nurse couldn't be of much help on the phone until they look at it. I am pretty thin on the top so that might be part of the problem. I like my surgeon but are all cardio surgeons on an ego trip? He is just too busy. He is the only one in the area that does kids so he is on 24hr. call. Can be quite crabby. The last 2 times I was there, he wasn't. Either in surgery or getting few hours of rest. Saw a PA. I guess I shouldn't be intimidated by him but for some reason I am. Thanks again,
Both times my surgeons were very sincere, accomodating, intellegent, and very caring. Excellent bedside manner and very open and caring in after care appointments.
I would not want a surgeon that was crabby. My nurse in ICU said the resident was afraid of my surgeon, but to me he was wonderful.
I had my sternal wires removed a year ago yesterday, Which was almost 4 months after my OHS. Because of Coumadin issues, I was admitted then put on a Heparin drip and was in the hospital for 6 days, because of my INR being too low. It was all worth it, My surgeon removed all 8 wires and it was a blessing. I found them to be very discomforting, I couldn't wear a bra and they drove me crazy. Feel free to e-mail me any questions you have and please keep us updated!

I have an appointment with the surgeon and will go from there. I have 2 areas that are pretty sore especially with a bra irritating it more. I can feel something like bumps when I touch the areas. I did not heal very nicely with bumps here and there. I am hoping it would get better. Thanks for the information.
Hi Marcia,

My sternum wires started sticking out as the months went by after my surgery last year, particularly up at the top. They weren't really BOTHERING me, but they looked nasty, and I could move the top one. I asked my cardio, he said no problem, we can remove them if I want. I waited until my one-year appointment with my surgeon, who I just love, and before I could even ask him about them, he was looking at them saying "whoa, we can take them out for you..." So I signed up. I was a bit surprised to be retracing my "surgery prep" steps from the REAL surgery, as I had thought it would be some pliers and a couple minutes of yanking in the office. But, it was an outpatient thing, a couple days of "pain", he sliced over the top half of my original incision, and removed all seven of my wires, all the way down. I wasn't sure going in, as I don't like to have surgery "for fun", and I was still unsure the following day when I saw the nasty scar again, but after a couple days I saw how much nicer it looked (he also cleaned up some of the scar, as it was wide), and I am glad I did it. My insurance covered it, as it was still under my "one-year follow-up" from my original surgery (although I am still battling with my insurance company to actually pay it, but that is another story!) I had "residual discomfort" in my chest for about two or three weeks, and then, I'm back to normal again.

I had forgotten, believe it or not, to ask my surgeon WHY it is a good thing to have them removed. I asked my other cardio, and he said "who doesn't want to look good?!!" But a nurse in the OR prep room told me that wires can be a source of infection, and we all know that an infected sternum is a big bad deal. Plus, he said that anthing foreign sticking out is really not a good thing, a potential for injury etc. As it was, my wires would bang against my guitar when I would play, just not a normal thing.

I guess I would say, hey, if you are questioning this constantly, as I was, even if it isn't really BOTHERING you, then look into it. Now might be the time, and you will most likely be glad you did.

Please keep me posted, send a PM or something, okay?

God bless,

Jennie, Thanks for the reply. Mine are not sticking out but I have 2 spots that are really bothersome. It hurts to wear a bra. I have to go for a chest XRAY and then we will go from there. Must be a woman thing, I never heard any men complaining when they were in rehab. It starts in the middle of my ****s and goes up. The lower part is okay. I don't go to the Dr. to the 27th. He is so busy that it is unbelievable. He is the only Dr. that does kids in the Peoria, IL. area and the last 2 times I was there, he was late getting in due to emergency surgeries. Sounds like you had a peach of a surgeon. I love mine but he just is too busy. I can't imagine having another surgery at this point but since I am over the deductible and co-insurance this year would be a good idea. Is the insurance company saying that this was not necessary and that it was for cosmetic reasons? I am insurance agent but do not deal with health insurance unless I have to. I can't believe what the surgery has cost so far. All worth it since I feel so much better. Will let you know,


Why are you wearing a bra? Too many cute things made now to replacethem that you wear under shirts, blouses. Burned all mine:p :p Bonnie
Hi Marcia,

The insurance company just likes to go through these monthly things, they like to get calls, I guess! Part of the problem is that I was approved as an outpatient, but was admitted as an inpatient (as most sternal wire removals are done because of sternal infections, and they are serious situations requiring lengthy stays). There was no infection or bad situation in my case, however, so the nurses up on the floor didn't know what to do with me after my surgery. I told them I am an outpatient and am supposed to go home, and they finally were able to track down my surgeon to confirm this. So I was admitted as an inpatient but did not stay overnight, but the insurance had pre-approved me as an outpatient, so they are wanting the hospital to review my case and rebill it as an outpatient procedure....! Otherwise, they had no problem approving it, and it is out of network for me.

Granbonny, with your cute little body there, I can see why a bra is not so necessary!! :) I tell you, give some people a cute little scar, and they really go wild, don't they!! :D As it is, looking at Mr. Rosso's new photo yesterday was giving me a migraine!


Like your answer about wearing no bra. I have those little things to wear but I am small enough without looking smaller. You know what gravity does to the girls. They definetely need some help staying up. I try to give them all the support that I can. HAHA. Thanks again,

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