I am not sure if that would help me because my is broken vertically, not horzontally. :O( The body is broken away from the manubrium in 2 different places. So I am not sure if your Talons would help in this case.
Did they try to do any muscle flaps, and wrap the muscle around your sternum to help stabilize it and help it heal? MY son didn't have a problem with his sternum not healing, but 10 days after his heart surgery he had a massive infection in and under his sternum. They had to cut out a a bit (all of the infected areas) of his sternum, the bottom third was pretty much "mush" to quote the surgeon. They used his right pec muscle to wrap around the sternum and in any holes. The fact the muscles has so much blood and oxygen is supposed to help with the healing and the muscle holds the sternum together since they couldn't use any wires. He never had any plates. Do you have a Plastic surgeon on your team? They seem to have the most experience with muscle flaps used for sternums. Here is a short article about them FWIW, Justin's sternum ended up healing well, he hasn't had any weight restrictions after the first couple months, when he finally got most of the strength back in his right arm (thats the side they took the pect muscle from) He had the surgery 3 years ago, we did have 1 scare this winter when the infection came back, but it was caught earliy enough it cleared up with antibiotics, but he came very close to surgery again (was even in preop a couple hours waiting to go to the OR) He just had his cardiolgy appt this morning and his card said his sternum feels nice and strong, no clicking.
Are you a diabetic by any chance?
................... but how the heck did you guys get a pic up for your user name? I can't figure it out. LOL
under my settings there is no profile picture selection....strange!
I am not sure if that would help me because my is broken vertically, not horzontally. :O( The body is broken away from the manubrium in 2 different places. So I am not sure if your Talons would help in this case.