Staying the Course -- 12-07-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Welcome to another Stay the Course week!

I have granddog Dasher visting another week (his master travels a lot for work) and so yesterday I took the big boy on long walks morning and evening, just as in the days of Sadie's youth when we did two-a-days. Well, last night I felt like I had been run over by a train, but some Tylenol Arthritis and a night's sleep seems to have helped. I am thankful to have another day. It is a rainy one and Dasher went out solo to do his business and found for himself it is not a pleasant one. I think it is supposed to clear this afternoon so maybe we will did just one long walk today, which probably ought to be my goal. Two a day is pretty ambitious, especially with a dog much stronger than sweet Sadie was. (God, how I still miss her!)

Dasher loves to walk, but as night was falling and other dawgwalkers approached us, he went ballistic lunging and trying to get at the approaching dog. Growling/barking fiercely too, as though he would try to rip him apart. Clearly not acceptable behavior. He would "sit" for a few seconds as I commanded but then lunged some more. All this from a yellow lab that has never attacked anyone or anything as far as I know. Probably if he got to the dog, he would just want to play, but it's scary for all. I need a dog whisperer. Maybe I should take a bag of little 5 calorie treats and reward him when he obeys my orders to slow down and cool it. Supposed to be a trained dog, but walking is a work in process. I need him as a personal trainer so I've got to keep at it.

Tomorrow I have a follow-up echocardiogram my cardio is having done because she's concerned about a trend of left atrial enlargement. The numbers over past few years have definitely been increasing. It can lead to a-fib and things worse, so I am worried. I read that obesity is a key factor, so I can going to ask the cardio, when I see her next week to discuss results, if she can prescribe maintenance cardiac rehab for me -- $50 out of pocket per month for 3 sessions per week. I know many of the nurses and some of the patients from Mended Hearts and it's done at our nice Family YMCA. I doubt insurance would pick up the cost 11 years after heart surgery, but the pay-as-you-go maintenance level might be feasible. As you know, I walk and x-bike but I need the discipline of having scheduled appointments with people who will push me and monitor me. (And if the nurses want to sweet-talk me that will be fine, too. : )

Any good thoughts/vibes would be appreciated.

Will love to hear how you are proceeding along your own course.


Dasher is certainly a handful physically and emotionally with his behavior issues. Stay strong and don't overdo it.

I weighed in at rehab today at 144.8. If I deduct 2 lbs for clothing it matches what I weigh in the morning at home. The loss has stopped, however, so like you I've got to get with the program. Overall I'm feeling great.

Sorry to hear about your concerns with the numbers. Are you having any symptoms of any kind? The cost of maintenance rehab seems very reasonable. I say go for it. Have you consulted with a dietitian at all? I have plans to do that and also get an assessment of my medications to see how they all interact. My pharmacist should probably be able to help with that.

Let us know how things go tomorrow. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way.
Thanks very much, HB. Appreciate the good thoughts. Hadn't thought about a dietitian -- will ask. Glad to hear you're doing well.

Weight? -- oh yeah. Guess I will get to use the doc's scales tomorrow, and then deduct 10 pounds to adjust for those darned scales being rigged against patients. lol
You're right about those doctor scales...mine said 140 this morning! A 5-lb difference from yesterday afternoon!

I mention the dietician because based on the restrictions different doctors have given me, all I am allowed to eat is lettuce and tree bark...LOL!
Thanks HB and Jim: Had the echo this afternoon. The very experienced tech didn't offer any numbers and I didn't try to pry any out of her b/c I know she's not supposed to tell. Have appointment with cardio next Monday to discuss. There is no doubt my LA has been increasing -- was 5.0 back in 2003; more recently 6.0, now 6.2. HB, as far as symptoms, it is more a matter of bad things that can result, like A-fib. I have never had that, and don't want to, obviously. I read that exercise, losing weight, eating right and taking statins and betablockers can help -- need to discuss all that with cardio. It's maybe a matter of doing more of what I already try to do to Stay the Course! Seasonal cheers to all!
Hope all are well. I may just take a holiday break from Staying the Course, and see if there is interest in renewing it after the holidays. If so, you probably need a more chipper leader -- everything with me is like the guy walking around with a cloud over his head right now.

Hope the holidays are happy for you all, and the new year will be good.
I hope you are back up to speed at the new year. Staying the Course would not be the same without you. I hope you get the answers you want tomorrow. Prayers going up. Keep us posted.