I feel that I have SO much for which to be thankful this year.
We have a happy, healthy new grandson who is now 5 months old. We get to see him again, as well as his older brother, mommy (our daughter) and daddy at their home over the Christmas holidays.
I celebrated the first anniversary of my pacemaker and lead replacement with all systems "go."
Thanksgiving weekend also marks the first anniversary of my final treatment for prostate cancer, and it now appears that the treatment has been successful, with all critical statistics headed in the right direction. (I haven't said anything about this until now, as I wasn't sure where things were headed).
My wife retired at the end of this past July, and is really enjoying her newfound freedom.
I have set a date of March 31, 2018 to enter semi-retirement myself. I've discussed this with my long-time friends who own the company, and the current plan is that I will work one week of each month, just to close the books and prepare financial statements. I will be "retired" the remaining weeks of each month, affording time to travel, socialize, engage in hobbies, exercise, become a pain in the rear to my wife . . .you know - all the things the newly retired seem to do.
And, lest we forget, WE are all still here to support each other.
May we all have a peaceful, happy and totally wondrous Thanksgiving Holiday!