Staying the Course -- 10-12-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Wow, when you get to October, Staying the Course seems like you're staying on a treadmill, doesn't it? Mostly good stuff, though -- festivals, octoberfests, football games, baseball playoffs, kids sports.....on and on and on.

Anyway, sorry I didn't keep the chatter going very well last part of last week.

This starter is going to be short b/c got lots of errands to run to help get ready for DIL's birthday.

Tracking my steps with Vivofit but need to take more vigorous ones.

See honeybunny's posts on site, so I assume she's doing well. All best to her!

Have tried to find a middle-aged rescue dog as much like Sadie as possible, but much disappointment so far. Personally, I have about decided to let a new dog find us, but wife is even talking puppy (easy for her to say, since I am the one who would have to take care of it.)


I'm still here, too! I'm up a pound or so this week, probably due to the mayhem at home last weekend. We had our daughter, son-in-law and their 4-month old baby boy with us for a long weekend. What a joy to see how the little guy has grown and flourished since the last time we saw him at the beginning of July. He was born in early June and had a very rough first 6 weeks until they worked through his food allergies. Once that was under control, he has begun making up lost ground and is now almost 3 times his birth weight, and is a joyous, happy little guy.

With all that going on, I didn't get any regular exercise for almost a week, and didn't eat as carefully as usual, so I have to accept the consequences. I'll get back on track, I'm sure.

Glad to see that all of you are here and doing well.

SB - I have very limited experience with rescue dogs, as all but one of our family furry ones were pups when they were adopted. We do have a neighbor who was a foster home for rescue dogs but had to give that up when they decided to adopt their then-current foster dog. That was about 10 years ago, and they are still doing fine. Keep looking, but don't rush it. The right pup will find you if you keep at it.
I'm glad to hear that honeybunny is doing well and you had a great week-end with your new grandson, Steve. I've stayed on track with watching what I eat, and I'm down another pound. Six pounds so far with another twenty to go.
Been busy here with hobbies, dentist visits (getting started on a dental implant today), and continuing the search for a new puppy. As Superbob says, it's difficult getting a new dog. years ago I could go to the pound, pick one out and take it home. Now with these organized rescues you have to fill out an application, give references, be interviewed and you're at the mercy of some people on a power trip. We've actually been rejected several times by rescue organizations for various policy reasons that they have. Unbelievable! Well, we'll keep trying. Weight-wise, I broke through another weight loss plateau recently from about 187 down to 184. My ultimate goal is now within reach: 180. Wishing a healthy and happy week to all.
Great to hear from you, Jim! Congrats on breaking through a weight plateau. Seems like I've been on one for a decade.
Do I ever agree with you about the frustration of dealing with the rescues. One hereabouts has posted pix of some that seemed ideal for us -- 5-years old, love to walk, etc, and by the time I fill out their detailed application, I'm told the dog has been adopted. One they did let me see has more senior health problems than I do -- would require addressing her medical needs all times day and night. Simply beyond what we can do. My wife actually wants to get a dog right away more than I do -- I've begun thinking -- hey we don't have to worry about rushing back home when we go to an event, don't have to worry about boarding when we go on a trip, don't have to pay vet, grooming, and food/medicine bills, etc. Maybe that's hard thinking -- but it's a consideration. I've about decided to just wait and see if perfect pooch just comes into our lives -- maybe a friend moving who can't take their dog with them, or even a runaway dog whose owner can't be found. I don't think I can take frustration of dealing with the rescue -- wonder why they can't keep people in mind and match them with the kind of dog they're seeking when they get one in. Give them first dibs. Would that be so hard? ....
Late getting by here. We are finally out from under the boiled water advisory!!! We only closed the store for one day but many were closed a week or more and many still are. Keep SC in your prayers.

I just can't do this with out actual numbers so I'm going to start posting my weight delta from baseline. More accountability is a good think, I think ;-)

Start Date: 8-31-15: 248.1
Today 10-16-15: 237.4
It sounds like everyone is getting back in the groove and staying the course. Skeptic and Superbob, hope you find your heart's desire with a new pet. I don't think our local rescue organizations have stringent requirements for adoption. Our daughter and husband have had three shelter dogs and four shelter cats. Perhaps it's because we're a rural area and the number of abandoned animals is much higher in our locale. Good job, Cooker, on your weight loss.
Glad to hear much good news from our Stay the Course crew!

Tomorrow morning I will be participating on our Mended Hearts team in the annual Heart Walk. In the past, it has been one of the most "fun" events in the community. Lots of bands and cheerleaders cheering you on -- what an ego boost for an old football player who can imagine he's back in his glory days.

I will be strictly a non-competitive walker. My stenotic back hasn't gotten any better -- in fact it's probably worse -- and I'm thinking about talking to ortho about another round of PT and maybe even the pain shots this time.

Anyway, instead of taking the perk given heart-surgery survivors of starting at the front, I'm going to start at the tag end and take my sweet time, even sitting down on a bench from time to time. I dearly love walking so I want to be a part of it. Maybe if I work hard, I can get back to walking from the starting line next year.

At least I'm still upright and putting one foot after another.
