Staying the Course -- 10-05-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Sometimes Staying the Course becomes complicated when you're confronted with nearly 20 inches of rain dumped on you from a tropical conveyor belt right off the Atlantic.

My family was fortunate. While we were surrounded by ominously rising waters from little-noticed eddies and creeks, our homes were not flooded. Thousands upon thousands of other families in South Carolina were not as fortunate. Heart-breaking devastation is all around the Palmetto State.

Please keep all affected in your thoughts or prayers.

On a personal level, I have burned a lot of nervous energy, I guess, and not slept much with the emergency radio going off at all hours warning of flash floods even as rain kept falling in torrents over a four-day period. Indeed, we have hardly seen the sun at all for two weeks. Anyway, pretty hard to walk when sidewalks and streets are flooded, with unknown chemicals and critters like copperheads lurking in them.

I suppose I've eaten some comfort food. My DW had bought a box of Twinkies (did I mention she's a sugaraholic?) and I actually ate one of them, but since I didn't know if a boat would have to evacuate us or not, I'll consider that I was entitled.

No idea what I weigh. The rain is now a fine mist, so maybe I will try to walk this afternoon. It is cooler outside now.

I could write a lot more about this, as I have on my blog -- and may write more there.

Hoping to hear that honeybunny did well in her surgery and is on the way to recovery.

Let us hear from you when you can.

I know Mr. Chimp is in an area that was particularly hard-hit, but I have heard from him on Facebook indicating that he is okay.

Stay the Course!


(I did don my Superbob duds at one time so that I would have my superpowers if I had to swim us to safety with my wife clinging to me.)
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It's good to know that our two South Carolina members are safe and sound even if you're confined to your homes. My thoughts and prayers are with all who have not fared as well. Honey bunny has posted that she is also doing well post-replacement so I'd say our little group should count our blessings.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all that are weathering the storm. Glad your safe.
On another note auhhh !! l am down 1.2 kg this week. I finally bought a scale last week. Went through my cupboards cleaned them out and went with some healthier choices... . wait alot of healthier choices. So l am finally on the right track .. always hard to get and stay motivated and hoping those first few steps is only the beginning. I start pre surgery cardiac clinic and respiratory therapy in a week or so. I would say it a start.
Thanks for the update, SB. I was worried and wondering how you (and The Chimp) were doing. I'm glad you're OK, but feel so sorry for all of those whose lives are devastated by this disaster. I know how just a few inches of unwanted water in a home can affect your life; I cannot begin to imagine what people are going through when their entire lives are under several feet of water.

I've been through having about 13 inches of water in the whole area (couple of square miles) where I work. That took a long time to dry out and repair. The South Carolina floods will be much more difficult to repair.
Greeting from central South Carolina. Mr and Mrs Chimp are high and dry and appreciate all of the thoughts and prayers. We are still under a boiled water advisory and water distribution is ongoing. We are currently watching a dam that could go at any time; a mandatory evacuation for those in harms way (we are not) has been issued.

I weighed Sunday morning and am down 8.6 pounds from my baseline. I'm sure that I am up some this morning due to being home with an ample supply of food and a fabulous cook. That being said I want to say that we are extremely grateful. So many are displaced or have paid the ultimate price (14 that we know of).

Please continue to pray for South Carolina.........
Hi Steve and Harriet, thanks for your supportive comments. Harriet, way to go on your progress! (Cooker, guess we were posting just about simutaneously -- glad to hear that you and yours are doing okay, albeit in tough circumstances. Praying for South Carolina!)

Yes, there will be lives to put together along with a lot of infrastructure in our state. Just saw that there was another evacuation this morning because of a dam breaking. I don't know if I can transfer the photo here, (I will try to paste in a link at least) but there was an amazing photo at dusk last night of an eerie bank of clouds departing out over the Atlantic -- the last of this Tropical Cyclops or whatever it was that enveloped South Carolina for days on end. And today we have glorious sunshine.
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