Staying the Course -- 09--12--2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Whoa, sorry Steve that I left you hanging out there for so long as the last correspondent on last week's thread. I should have chimed in at some point. Life has just been hectic. (So what else is new? The idea that retirement is a quiet phase of life? A big fat myth.)

So what's new? Looks like wife is going to need some retinal surgery to keep her sight in her right eye. At least she can be reassured by having gotten a good cardio report before encountering this next challenge.

On the walking front. Ellie and I are keeping up two-a-days, though we have heavy thunderstorms today (after a dry week last week after the tropical storm passed) -- so we may just do one today. Even on the hot days in the '90s, a jaunt seems a bit more bearable -- maybe having to do with angle of the sun becoming more walker-friendly.

Watching a good bit of football between activity on the computer and the walks. Redskins tonight -- go Skins!

Looking forward to hearing from y'all -- and I will endeavor to toss in some more chatter as we go along.

Stay the Course!


I think my last post, several months ago, said we were headed to the land of pie and cheese. We have just returned from our second trip this summer, so thought I would check in and see how everyone is doing.😊
Hey SB - I'm still here, too! We've had better weather some of the recent days, so I have traded my gym time for long fast walks in a local park. There is a path where I can walk 1,2 or 3 miles, time permitting. I usually do 2 miles in about 30-35 minutes when I walk there.

We were out of town over a couple of weekends - one in Indiana and one in Wisconsin. No more travel planned for a few weeks, then a long weekend in DC to meet with our daughter, son-in-law and grandson.

I've been extra-busy lately, too. This time I'm interviewing/consulting with additional doctors for another non heart-related condition. The good and bad news is that by living near Chicago, we have far too many great doctors around, so the shopping and selection process is complicated.

I'm very sincere when I say "Trust me - getting old is not for the faint-of-heart."
Aging ain't for wimps, that's for sure, Steve! Hope you find the best possible doctor for the non-heart-related condition.

And there has been a Duffey sighting! Good to see you here, Duffey. Wish you could share some of those summer goodies from the land of pie and cheese! Love to hear more. We have a new mountain-style pancake house (whatever that means) opening along the Grand Strand tomorrow. I know I will have to try that! Hope they have super blueberry pancakes!
Hi all. After my cath, I had a week's prohibition on exercise. Still not allowed to do fast walking for another week, and by then surgery will be looming. Not going to be a lot of exercise till I start rebuilding after the op, I guess.

Well, actually hoping I can do some longish slow walks till op. So busy, though.