Well, I guess for we Americans our country has stayed the course reasonably well for 240 years. Happy Birthday, United States of America! Today we celebrate the signing of our Declaration of Independence, so brilliantly authored by Thomas Jefferson. Yes, we have many problems, but we have the means to solve them over time. Stay the Course, America!
Now, one year ago, I was lamenting my wife popping open the Utz chips and having me test the onion dip before out family culinary celebration. I was wondering how I would avoid gaining a ton of weight before stepping on the doctor's scales later in the week. Lo and behold, I have the same dilemma today with a six-month's doctor's appointment coming up in a few days. Memo to self: schedule doc's appointments before not after big food-filled festivities. I want the doc to see and brag on my weight loss since getting Ellie the walking dawg in January. Lab work done ahead of time for the doc's appointment shows some good numbers probably linked to the weight loss -- for example, A1C (three-month average of blood sugar) is down from 6.6 six months ago to 6.2 now. The target goal used to be below 7.0 til the diabetes people changed it to below 6.0 -- anyway I am saying mine is pretty durn good right now.
So as they say it's hotter than a firecracker on the Fourth of July today -- appropriately enough. Got to get ready to walk Ellie -- packing water to drink and to pour over me (and her) along the way.
Have a happy Fourth dear friends....Stay the Course.
Now, one year ago, I was lamenting my wife popping open the Utz chips and having me test the onion dip before out family culinary celebration. I was wondering how I would avoid gaining a ton of weight before stepping on the doctor's scales later in the week. Lo and behold, I have the same dilemma today with a six-month's doctor's appointment coming up in a few days. Memo to self: schedule doc's appointments before not after big food-filled festivities. I want the doc to see and brag on my weight loss since getting Ellie the walking dawg in January. Lab work done ahead of time for the doc's appointment shows some good numbers probably linked to the weight loss -- for example, A1C (three-month average of blood sugar) is down from 6.6 six months ago to 6.2 now. The target goal used to be below 7.0 til the diabetes people changed it to below 6.0 -- anyway I am saying mine is pretty durn good right now.
So as they say it's hotter than a firecracker on the Fourth of July today -- appropriately enough. Got to get ready to walk Ellie -- packing water to drink and to pour over me (and her) along the way.
Have a happy Fourth dear friends....Stay the Course.