Staying the Course -- 03-06-2017

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Wow, what is it about Mondays anyway? My tale of woe is trivia compared to what others deal with. Had to take my Altima to body shop to meet with claims adjuster. Some anonymous soul apparently whacked my car in a parking lot, taking out a tail light assembly and knocking other parts askew. So hopefully they will fix it by end of week, and I will be driving rental Dodge til then. I am mostly covered, but it's just one of life's hassles.

Otherwise, weather delightful -- cool weekend, trending warmer. We had our big marathon this weekend, causing me to think back to when I ran a few of those monsters and many shorter distances. Now I am doing good (in my mind anyway) with steady dawgwalking and a spirited exercise class.

If you're so inclined, take a look at the pre-surgery forum -- a dear friend Brian in scheduled to have his fifth heart surgery tomorrow. (I get nervous just thinking about possibility of a second one for me, so this is obviously a big challenge.) All of our best thoughts and wishes headed his way should help.

Was a little slow here last week, but that probably means we're all getting busier with approach of spring. Anyway, keeping the door of hospitality open here, and love to hear from any who would like to drop by a spell and tell us what you're up to.


Superbob I am hanging in there with you and have a severe case of spring fever! In the 60's this weekend and dumped on with snow this morning.......ugg.

Tomorrow is my day at the cardiac surgeons for what I hope is final appointment. I want off as many drugs as possible and hoping all tests are good.

Continuing to exercise daily but feel like some comfort eating with this snow dump. lol

Will say a prayer for your friend and hope your car troubles are done.

Second surgery was no picnic but not as bad as I anticipated.

It truly is.....for everyone here........all about staying the course
We in western PA have no idea what season it is. One day in the teens with snow, two days later in the 60's with thunderstorms. I'm still trying to recover fron hurting my back three weeks ago when I shoveled 8" of snow. That has stopped any execerise. Also this week I'm on the "wife-away" diet again, so I'm not eating well. On the good news side, I started piano lessons last week. I am self taught, but need professional help to play better. The wake up call of having OHS at my age has me frequently asking myself if I am spending my time wisely. I often don't like my answers. Hence, piano lessons.

HB, I wish you well in your job search. I have been laid off four times in my career and understand how stressful that is. The financial hit is not fun to deal with.

SB, you do a fine job of directing out attention back to staying the course. We all wish Brian the best. I can't imagine 5 surgeries.

JW, do we ever see ourselves as totally healthy? Frankly, I get tired of taking pills twice a day, blood tests and Doc visits every 6 or 12 months, and wondering if that pain I feel in my chest has to do with my heart or was it because I threw my dog's ball too hard. But, maybe it comes with the age too. Now, my knees and back are acting old.

Sorry, didn't want to come across so negative. I'm kind of rambling and bummed out. Sometimes I wish I could just turn the clock back. Wait... we are doing that next week!

I better stop before I write something political.

wishing all a good week,
Fred - STEP AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD! If you have uncontrollable urges to write things political, there is another heart valve forum that will gladly accept your postings. . . provided you agree with their political direction. Won't say any more about that. . .

This week we're still trying to decide what season to have. We've had some delightful days in the 50's and even upper 60's, but we've also had some windy, nasty, cold days as well. Yesterday, today and tomorrow are supposed to be clear and in the 50's, but the weekend is expected to bring temps in the 30's with some snow again. I think Mother Nature has lost her way.

I know what you mean about those odd pains, Fred. These days I have so many that I've just stopped trying to catalog them. If anything gets too bad or lasts too long, then maybe I'll have to see one of the docs, but in some cases I don't even know which doc would cover it. This getting old is not for sissies.
Hi everyone, wishing you all the very best for a happy and healthy week. Especially for you, honeybunny. I hope something truly great comes your way for your next employment!
Lots going on, but with my lap top on the blink, too much to type out on a phone. SB, I hope your car is quickly repaired. Whomever hit it and left is a first rate jerk. Fred, I play piano and have one in our front room. Two years ago my New Year's resolution was to spend an hour each day practicing, but I didn't follow through. I hope you are more motivated. HB, I hope your job hunting is quickly over and there are no more bumps in the road to permanent employment. The scales say that I have lost 10 pounds, and I thank you all for diet and nutrition tips and your support. Steve, you may need to accompany us on our WI vacation. Norske Nook pie and Humbird cheese outlets will test my steely resolve to lose 10 more pounds.
Duffey;n874104 said:
Lots going on, but with my lap top on the blink, too much to type out on a phone. ....

ahh ... somebody else who hates the phones / tablets for typing!

100% with you on that one mate!
Norske Nook? ? ? That's a new one to me.

We usually try to hit local restaurants and supper clubs. We also have sometimes toured the rural countryside, stopping at dairy farms that make their own cheeses. We've found some excellent cheese - varieties and makers that are totally unknown down here in the flatlands. For us, areas around Madison are an easy drive and we feel like we've gone far from home.
Have appreciated the reports this STC week. Just some quick thoughts and wishes (not necessarily all inclusive) -- Jim (skeptic49) -- was wonderful to see you checking in and reporting on your vacationing (scuba diving and all) -- enjoy! HB, hoping the job hunting yields something really good. jwinter, hoping the tests and everything from the cardiac surgeons came back A-OK. Steve, Chicagoland folks know not to declare spring's arrival too soon -- we're about to get a week's worth of winter's return here; Duffey, you are a phenom with the 10 pounds weight loss! Go ahead and enjoy some Norske Nook pie (don't know what that is, but I've never met any pie I haven't liked -- no one makes beet pie, do they? lol) Fred, the piano lessons sound like a good way to relax amid all the stresses as we stay our courses. I had a little frustration when 5 minutes before exercise class yesterday I got a cell call from my son at work letting me know I needed to pick up my grandson right away and get him from point A to point B ... so all the ladies at the class probably think I chickened out at the last minute or something. Anyway, grandchildren are way more important than any exercise class, I know. But it is uncanny how reserving just two hours for two classes a week wind up bumping against other activities. (My wife can no longer drive due to health reasons, so her meetings are important to her too -- life is a balancing act.)....

So we Stay the Course as best we can! Hope the weekend brings a nice break for all....
Steve, you and I agree that this forum should be a political free zone. I actually violated that and was properly reminded to stop it!

Pellicle, I also hate phones and tablets that pretend to have keyboards. IMHO, smart phones have become so function rich that there is little they do very well.

Duffy, I hope I'm am also motivated to play frequently. Interesting enough, my daughter asked me what I thought about her going in debt to obtain another degree so she can qualify to teach math. Her dream is to let girls and minority's know that it is OK to love math too. I told her to go for it - that one needs to pursue their passion. I now need to heed my own advice when it comes to playing the piano, eating well, and exercising.

Oh, and for SB, we are having white-out snowfall today. I just got done clearing 6" from the driveway and sidewalk. So enjoy your southern weather.