Staying the Course -- 01/08/2018

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Here was my Facebook post today.

"so I have lower-left-side back pain gravitating around to left-side abdominal pain. Hope it's just a strain from trying to protect household during icestorm. Hoping others can tell me they had this as a nuisance that went away. Otherwise, I read of a number of unpleasant things it could be. Go to GP Thursday for annual "wellness" check, so hope it's gone by then."

Dealing with some pain so don't have a chipper week starter in me. Maybe someone else can offer one.
I’m so sorry to hear that you are dealing with another issue. Sending prayers your way that the pain subsides today and you have a great checkup. May I ask what you were doing to protect your home? Your part of the country has been in for a real rough spell lately.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. When it rains, it pours. I hope it's just a strain and subsides on it's own rather quickly.

Speaking of pains. I had stopped running due to plantar fasciitis in my right foot, and my left hip was bothering me. In the interim, I took up spin classes which are still going well. Just when I thought I could incorporate a bit of running again, I dropped a very heavy piece of furniture on that same foot. I don't think anything broke. As I described it to some friends, I hit peak swelling in a day or so. Now I'm just passing peak color. Being on warfarin only enhanced the beauty. It hit mid arch on the top, and the whole top of my foot is shades of blue, green, purple, and yellow. Even down to my toes. Fortunately, I was still able to stuff it into a cycling shoe and keep on spinning without much pain. Walking is worse.

As far as staying the course, I had my first "genuine" below 200 lb weigh in the other morning. No exercise enhanced, sweat off the lbs number. This was just a wake up and get on the scale. Feel pretty good about that. I decided to set a new goal for 190, since we have a spring break trip planned that will involve a fair degree of gluttony. I'd like to start out the trip with some wiggle room.
Hi, folks!

SB - I hope that pain resolves quickly. Given the number of other medical issues I have, I often have pains like that. Each one comes with its own level of concern, but I've been lucky so far and all have resolved fairly quickly. In my case, the pain could be intestinal in nature, due to long-standing IBS and exacerbated by some radiation treatments I had about a year ago. These things are a real pain. . .

Superman - Isn't Technicolor fun? That one sounds like a real doozy, though. Hope it keeps on healing on its own. I've been lucky and never did it up that completely, but I have had one or two foot injuries over the years. They really wreck havoc on a training schedule.

Other than that, we here are just trying to get back to "normal." (Quotes intentional, as nobody really knows what is "normal" for the likes of us.) This past weekend was a quiet, restful weekend - the first like that in almost two months. We were due for it, and may make the next one similar.

No New Year's resolutions sans one. . . "Don't make any resolutions you can't keep." I made that one, and that's all there is room for. I do plan to go into semi-retirement at the end of March, and I do plan to increase my fitness activity level. . . but those are plans, not resolutions. I'll get them done, to one degree or another.

We haven't planned any spring travel, but since I will have a few vacation days that I need to use up, that may yet happen. The real, ambitious travel will take place once I'm off the 5-days a week work treadmill. Might go somewhere in The States in 2018, more travel planned in 2019, possibly Europe. Anticipation and planning is half the fun.
Thanks guys for hanging in there with me, and reminding me that we all have our challenges. Lately I have been doing little other than whining on here. We have a break in winter weather so maybe a little sunny, fairly warm weather (albeit temporary) will brighten my disposition.

I do feel better now. The spread of pain from back to abdominal area has subsided to just the usual back pain. So maybe that indicates this is not something like a kidney stone -- sure hope that's the case. Best case, it was just a muscle strain from exertion -- maybe working to clear the sidewalk after icing, or some of the stuff we do in exercise class. Specifically planks. It appeals to my ego when our teacher praises me for planking so well, but it could be that normal posture for them is a little harsh for a heavyset guy working on 77. Saw on YouTube an alternative using a Swiss (exercise) ball as a prop for the elbows in planking, and am thinking that might be something for me to try.

Will go to doc tomorrow for an annual "wellness" exam that Medicare covers for we oldsters. We'll have plenty to discuss.

Don't know who first said this in the 12 years I've been on this site, but it is certainly true: "Aging ain't for wimps."

So, "Superbob," why don't you quit acting like a wimp?

Plenty of fun things to look forward to -- 11-year-old grandson is starting a new basketball season, and his dad is coaching his team. The Great Backyard Bird Count will coming in February....just two examples.

Stay the course!
Checking in from beautiful Arizona! Rained here yesterday as we were driving in and it was still a wonderful 75 degrees. Hope to get out in my chair in the next couple days and just "soak it in"

OK enough with the good stuff and just so you know.......I am by no means having it all. It is going to take a bit of running around and phone calls to set up all the blood tests I will need beginning of next month. I then wonder if everything is not turning around.......what next? Decided to shove that to the back burner and just live in the moment (at least for couple weeks). Have been trying to do as much as I can in the walking department right now but breathing is still not that great. Swelling of my legs and ankles are starting in again also. One big pain in the rear after another.

I hear ya Superbob on those lower back pains. Hope they let up soon and that your GP has an answer for you. Good to have it checked out.

Yikes on that furniture drop Superman! How painful it must be.

Steve, I think you are going to enjoy retirement. You have the right frame of mind with planning those trips and keeping up physically. Life is way to short to not grab all you can.

HB it is good to see you and hope things are going well for you.

Sounds like everyone is pretty much on course for the eating and exercising. I hope to get to the farmer's markets here and continue my plan to consume as many whole foods as possible. OK so we did do a Carl Jr's on our trip and might I say it was yummm.

Have a good week everyone..
Caught a cold after my last post on the first and it's almost gone. Luckily it wasn't the flu, just a sinus cold. So no real exercise except some short dog walks.
Trying to lose the 5 lbs I've gained since the holidays.

SB, glad your feeling better and have a great Dr visit
Superman, I also have plantar in my right foot. It's getting better. I have heel lifts in my shoes and have been flexing/stretching my foot.
jwinter, hope your health improves.

Finally some rain here in CA but too much in the burn areas. Heard the forecast was for warmer weather. Should be a good weekend.
Wishing everyone pain relief! Congrats on your weight loss Superman!! Make sure you don't hurt yourself worse, then you can't train at all ; ) You too SB. Slow and steady wins the race . . .

I'm feeling pretty good these days. Went to a nutritionist in late Dec (which insurance paid for, yay) and she gave me a custom eating plan to support better moods (I think it's safe to say I've been having a major depressive episode - I also added a medication). My mood seems better, fingers crossed! The weight, we'll see, but as I told her, if I can only avoid clinical depression, I will happily be obese. Going to see her for a check-in / retweak in about a month. Hang in there everyone!
dornole - I am glad you were able to get some help. Sometimes hearing things from a trained confidant helps more than trying to convince ourselves of what needs to be.

I know others who have used antidepressants and have had weight challenges while using them. You are entirely correct in dealing with the depression first, as that, if untreated, can lead to more severe issues. Give yourself permission to deal with the most important issues first, but promise yourself you will get to the others too. (Remember, though, that I am NOT a trained therapist. My comments are from my own experience, and from casually talking with a trained therapist/family member.)

I'm still chugging along here, fighting my winter weight gain. I've picked up my usual 5 or 6 pounds this winter, and I feel each and every one of them. they are unwelcome guests, but I am committed to their being only temporary until I am once again able to be more active. In the spring, summer and fall, I typically walk 5 to 7 miles a day. In the winter I am limited to 2 or 3 miles on the elliptical. I hate not being able to have outdoor activities, but around here one cannot even walk any distance during the winter - too many people fail to shovel their walks. Of course, there are also many, many days when the weather is just too nasty to want to be out there. We're not moving, so I just sit here every winter, eagerly awaiting the start of warmer weather. I guess I'm just part dog. . .