Starting new career

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I've taken the plunge and will be starting a new career on Monday-

I've been a lawyer for 18 years now, and self employed for the last 13 years. I've enjoyed many aspects of the profession, helping my clients most of all, and I will miss my many loyal clients; some of whom have become good friends in over the years.

Self-employment has some benefits - no boss to report to (except myself, and I can be pretty tough on myself) and some freedom of scheduling, etc. It also has a down side - no medical benefits (except at a very high cost), no paid sick time, no paid vacation, and the hours can be very long at times. When you're ultimately responsible and the work needs to get done - guess who does it?

I can truly say that my OHS last February gave me both the time and the inclination to think about where my life was going, and to ponder other possibilities. Although I wasn't actively looking for a new situation, I was open to it. And as so often happens when we're open to new possibilities, an exciting opportunity came along!

So on Monday, I will be starting a new career as the compliance and CRA officer for one of our better local banks. It is a medium sized bank for the area, 12 branches, and locally headquartered. I've not done bank compliance work before, so I'll have a pretty steep learning curve, but I'm actually looking forward to doing something different and learning new things. The skills I've learned as an attorney are perfectly suited for the job (I am in charge of making sure the bank complies with the myriad of state and Federal regulations which apply, and will set policies, conduct training, and prepare for bank examiner audits). It will also be nice, for a change, to have only one "client" to worry about. Not to mention regular hours ("bankers hours" ;) ) a regular paycheck, great benefits including medical, dental, vision, group life insurance, paid sick leave, paid vacation and a nice retirement package.

I expect my new job will keep me very busy for the next six months or so as I come up to speed. I also suspect there won't be a lot of time for surfing the 'net while I'm at work, so you may not see as much of me here as you have in the past. I'll check in from time to time, though, because you all are my family. No cold turkey for me. :rolleyes:

So it is with mixed feelings of excitement, nervousness, and even a little sadness that I begin the task of winding up my practice and referring my clients off to other attorneys. I hope to have everything shut down by the end of the year - this is a business that I can't just close the door and walk away from. I anticipate a lot of evening and weekend work to get this practice closed up while I'm working on my new "day job." :)
BIG congratulations on your new career.

Some one a long time ago told me that in life you should always be reaching. Once you achieve a goal, go on to something that is different and has a learning curve. Never be complacent. I think it was excellent advice.

I have done many things in life that seemed to build on each other. It's amazing how some things seem to be very difficult at first, but once you get into them, you find that all occupations have elements of other occupations.

You will ease into this new avenue fast, I predict.

Best wishes!
Congratulations Bill! How exciting....and good for you! I'm sure the benefits will be a big relief for you.

Best wishes in your new career.
I'm echoing the congratulations. I am sure you will enjoy the new position and will find it offers you many personal benefits. Less stress and more time with the family is always a GOOD thing!
Let us know how it's going, and don't be a stranger.
One definition of LUCK is "when preparation meets opportunity".

It sounds like you made a logical assessment of where your life was and where you wanted it to go.

Best wishes in your new endeavor Bill !

Bill, if it's what you want to try, and you're excited about it, then I guess it's a no-brainer.

Seeing your posts, and having this slim view into a slice of your life, I'm sure your "regulars" are going to miss you and your abilities a great deal.

Congratulations on a foot forward into a new opportunity.

Best wishes,

Congratulations and good luck with your new job! You sound excited about the I am very happy for you. :) I'm sure informing your clients of the news will be the toughest part.

Are you going to tell your boss to "take this job and shove it" or are you going to give him 2 weeks notice? ;)
Bill, I'm so happy for you. :D Its a big step to take. But I think in the long run its going to be a much happier 'pace' for you and definently alot less headaches.. I

Another year and I'll have 20 years in - maybe I'll take the plunge and get a new job.. I would really like to get a new job that I enjoy and one that is closer to home. I hate winter driving in the Northeast. Its just a real rat race - to many cars and not enough highways. Its just grown so fast.

Good Luck and keep up that rowing.. I hope you make your 'goal' to row a million meters by 2-20-05.. :D

Best Wishes
Marilyn (runner)
Congrats on the new job. You and I are one the same wave lenght, nothing like OHS to allow you to sit back and ponder your career decision. So far my change in jobs has been a blessing.
Oh, Bill, I am so happy for you. Press On - a poem my sister had on our office wall for all the years she was in business. Life really is too short for most of us to do the things we want so it's inspiring to us to see one who actually does do it. Do all those important things - like smelling roses and looking at your beautiful mountains from your porch. Maybe you will have the time now.

Sincere good wishes and congratulations.
Good luck, Bill

Good luck, Bill

Good luck, Bill!

I absolutely understand your situation. My outlook on work/quality of life balance has also changed since OHS. After contemplating the possibility of dying or being physically impaired for the remainder of my life, I now value family relationships, health & fitness as my most important earthly blessings. (In fact, I am getting ready to bail from a job that is getting in the way of those priorities).

I wish you much success and happiness!
Sounds great!

Sounds great!

Bill, Hello and Congratulations!!

I expect you thought this through very carefully. That it all fell into place for you so readily is truly fabulous. Of course, the bank is VERY lucky to have YOU!

You always sound like a very hard worker. Please remember to pace yourself through this transition so you don't take a nose dive physically. I always look forward to your comments and opinions so I'm glad that you will still be checking in from time to time. Just remember, on Monday, it's okay to stop a moment and just breathe in slowly and deeply!!

Wishing you great success.



It is great that you are changing things in your life. You have to do what feels right for you. Working in a bank, hospital, data entry, whatever makes you happy. And you will get benefits, health insurance is expensive, but in group rates, is cheaper. Hope it works out for you. Keep us up to date. You keep doing what keeps you healthy also, walk for a few blocks, if necessary, relieve stress. Take care and be good.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Best Wishes

Best Wishes

Sounds like your ducks are lined up straight.. please stay in touch though.. will miss you, love Yaps
tobagotwo said:
Seeing your posts, and having this slim view into a slice of your life, I'm sure your "regulars" are going to miss you and your abilities a great deal.


While most of the clients I've told have been very supportive and happy for me, they have uniformly said that they don't know what they'll do without me. :eek: I have strong mixed emotions about abandoning them, and they have been loyal to me. One client, whom I told on Friday, said that that was the "worst news I've had all week" and seemed angry with me :(

I am excited about the opportunity and the change. It's hard to predict at this point if it will be a perfect fit or not, but I intend to give it my best and see what happens. If it doesn't work out for me or the bank, I will just move on to something else - I don't waste a lot of time trying to pound square pegs in round holes. I'm anticipating good things, however, and the learning experience alone will be worth it all.

Thanks to all of you for your good wishes and support. I'm not leaving VR at all, but I do expect to be terribly busy from now until about February, while I try to do two jobs at once.

I'm definitely continuing on with the rowing. I passed 450,000 meters today and also had a nice 5 mile run with my wife.

Unfortunately, my 'boss' knew about this from the start - no secrets around this office ;) He has been pretty understanding and says it's OK if I leave, but I have to finish *all* of my work first. I'm at work right now (taking a break, obviously) and celebrating a glimpse of my actual desk top.

Oh, and did I mention that our high school mock trial season is starting? First practice is tomorrow afternoon. The bank is happy that I'm involved in community affairs and is supportive of the time I need off two afternoons a week to coach the team. But it's still one more thing on my plate at the moment.
Way to go Bill!! Good luck, I hope it all works out for you and I'm sure you will love the new challenge... and no doubt thrive!

I'm also having a heart-induced career evaluation. Since I've been unable to work for the last 12 months, I've been checking out options to study at home so once I'm feeling well I can launch my own business (..and therefore control my own workload, hours, etc...). I find out Friday if I'm eligable for financial assistance to do a Diploma of Business (Advertising) which should compliment my plans for a copywriting/design business. Fingers XXXX'd.

Again, congratulations!! And please don't feel too guilty about your existing clients.... ultimately you have to do what is best for YOU and I'm sure most people can appreciate and understand that.

All the best
Anna : )
Hi Bill,
Was thinking about you the other day and was wondering what you were up to. It is amazing how something like OHS changes you. I have admired your aproach to life from the get go.. so kudos to you for coming to terms with what you want and going for it.

Although, I am still in the waiting room I have had some moments this summer myself and have decided to go back to school for my education degree. I married young and have been busy raising my 4 kids. Now that the youngest is 11 I think the timing is good to go back..

I can definately relate to "two jobs" for a season. I am currently working full time and taking 6 hours. Next year I am hoping to work part time and attend school full time. It is hard right now but I know it is what I have to do to reach my goals.... :)

Wishing you the best in all that you set out to do...



Fantastic! I wish you all the luck in the wo.

Namu Myohorengekyo!

Medtronic of Borg
Good Luck Wine Lover!

Good Luck Wine Lover!

Hey Bill:

Good luck in the new job. Just curious, is there health insurance and how do they deal with the "pre-existing condition"?

My hubby and I have been breaking into the wine cellar these days and enjoying some fine French bordeauxs as well as some California cabs. I like just about any wine there is, but especially the red. My son goes to college in San Luis Obispo so I know about the wine country in Cambria. That San Luis area is very pretty.

I know you will be great in your new job. My husband has been a lawyer since 1978, except for the year we built our log cabin in the boonies and for one year about 200 when he thought he would escape from the practice of law. Unfortunately they sucked him back in so now he is a partner but works with some of his best friends, so it is not too bad.

Take care.

Peggy in Alaska
GOOD LUCK ! By the way I am also a lawyer, I am VP at the National Equity Fund Inc. in chicago, a syndicator of investments in limited partnerships that generate both the low income housing tax tax credits and the CRA credits you work in. Feel free to E mail mal about CRA !

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