The sign said, "PIGEON ORGE' so we took that exit. 
We're here....!! Met Danny, Mary, Earline, Wise and Betty and the others who rode along with them. Jane sent me some really good suggestions to see wildlife, so we're off..
Greetin's y'all fum Tennessee--Pigeon Fo'ge--Whar thar is buffet bars ev'ry inch--an' ah reckon we haf hit jest about ev'ry one of them!!!
Th' Chump (ah mean Chimp) has met his match!
Shet mah Mouth!
Mo'e pitchers t'foller---ah's a a-gonna bed, cuss it all.
Good night.
Which means no shoes!HEY, all of you re-union party people.
WE WANT pics=no bail money!